![[Christine OKeeffes Halloween Monster and Faery List]](banners/monster.gif)
Works Cited
- Rebecca Lehmann, The Faerie Encyclopedia ©1997-2002. Olde URL: Crosswinds.net/~rlehmann
- Natalie Savage Carlson (1906–1997), Natalie Carlson Papers #DG0152, USA: Mississippi State: USM: University of Southern Mississippi: McCain Library: The de Grummond Children’s Literature Collection: Box 5148, Hattiesburg, MS 39406. Téléphone: +1-601-266-4349
- The Korrigans Jacket, Illustrated by Michael R. Hague (1948–), USA: Cricket Magazine, Volume 5, #8 ©April 1978, The Korrigans Jacket Pg 1 [79.63KB .GIF], Pg 2 [153.65KB .GIF], Pg 3 [213.37KB .GIF], Pg 4 [189.25 .GIF]
- The Enchanted Sea Shell, Illustrated by Troy Howell, USA: Cricket Magazine, Volume 7, #1 ©September 1979, The Enchanted Sea Shell Pg 1 [2.96MB .JPG], Page 2 [3.51MB JPG], Page 3 [3.62MB JPG]
- Barbara S. Neelands (1928–), The Good Luck Bogle, Illustrated by Katherine Coville, USA: New Hampshire State: Cricket® Magazine: Founder & Editor-in-Chief Marianne Carus: Carus Publishing Company part of the Open Court Publishing Company 1887 by Edward Hegeler of the Matthiessen-Hegeler Zinc Company, at 1 time the largest producer of zinc in the United States with 1st editor Paul Carus, Hegeler’s son-in-law, 30 Grove Street, Suite C, Peterborough, NH 03458, Téléphone: +1-800-821-0115, Volume 8, #1 ©September 1980. ISSN: International Standard Serial Number: 0090–6034. OCLC: Online Computer Library Center Number: 421639345, Copyright Registration #TX0000580459
- Suzanne Stewart Krueger (1935–2009), Alanna & the Bean-Sí, USA: Cricket Magazine Volume 9, #4 ©October 1981
- Molly Bang, Claddedigaith y Lleuad: The Buried Moon, Illustrated by Molly Bang, USA: Cricket Magazine, Volume 5, #8 ©April 1978
- Mr. Knud Mariboe Bjarkesvej (1934–), The Encyclopædia of the Celts, Denmark: 1A DK3000 Helsingor, Denmark (kmariboe@danbbs.dk) ©1994. International ISBN: International Standard Book Number Agency: 8–798-53460-2
- Walter Yeeling Evans-Wentz (1878–1965), The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries, Sacred-Texts [ghost definition, lunatishee, p125: worlds, slavonic bog=god, john of the dunes, p250: melwas, robe of offering, lancelot, riannon, land of the living, oaks, connla, egypt], London & New York: Henry Froude ©1911, USA: New Jersey State: Humanities Press / Citadel Press, Atlantic Highlands, NJ ©1990. ISBN: 0–806-511605 [In 1908 Evan Wentz, an American of Celtic descent, who had worked for some years under John Rhys, the Oxford Professor of Celtic Studies, set out on an exploration of the Celtic area. He began by consulting the leading folklore experts of each region, Douglas Hyde in Ireland (1860–1949), Alexander Carmichael in the Scottish Highlands (1832–1912), John Rhys of Wales (1840–1915), Henry Jenner of Cornwall (1848–1934), Sophia Morrison of the Isle of Man (1859–1917) & Professor Anatole le Bras of Brittany (1859–1926); then he travelled through all the regions – Katherine M. Briggs]
- Carolyn White, A History of Irish Fairies [mermaids, dullahan], Ireland: Munster Province: County Cork: Mercier Press Ltd. Unit 3b Oak House, Bessboro Rd, Blackrock, Cork / USA: Irish American Book Company ©1976, 1996, 1997. ISBN: 978–1-856-35009-9
- Dover Children’s Thrift Classics
- Philip Smith, Irish Fairy Tales, Unabridged In Easy-to-Read Type, Illustrated by Thea Kliros (1940–2013), The Bee, the Harp, the Mouse, & the Bum-clock [Jack Tale: Bum-clock: roach], The Black Horse [The Land-Under-Waves: Prince Underwave the Son of Success], The Field of Boliauns [pg. 43: Leprechaun heath ale, boliauns: weeds. Boliaun, also called booghalaun bwee & geôsadaun; the common yellow ragwort.], The Old Hag’s Long Leather Bag, The Giants Stairs [Midnight hour entrance], The illustrations & introductory Note have been specially created for this edition, & some explanatory notes have been added, Canada: Ontario Province: General Publishing Company Ltd, 30 Lesmill Road, Don Mills, Toronto, UK: England: Constable & Company Ltd: 3 The Lanchesters, 162–164 Fulham Palace Road, London, W6 9ER, USA: New York State: Dover Publications Childrens Thrift Classics: 31 East 2nd St, Mineola, NY 11501 ©1993. ISBN: 0-486-27572-8.
- Donald Alexander Mackenzie (1873–1936), Scottish Fairy Tales, Unabridged In Easy-to-Read Type, Illustrated by John Green (1948–), Battle of the Fairy Kings [Beira: Queen of Winter, Aillil], The Princess of Land-Under-Waves [Tír fo Thuinn], Conall & the Thunder Hag [Servant of Beira], The Story of Finlay & the Giants [Decscendants of Beira], The Story of Michael Scott [Regeneration: White Serpent], In the Kingdom of the Seals, The Maid-of-the-Wave [Kenneth, Land-Under-Waves], The Land of the Green Mountains [Tír Uaine: Donald agus Mhórag], A new selection of 8 fairy tales from Wonder Tales from Scottish Myth & Legend, originally published by Frederick A. Stokes Company, New York in 1917. The illustrations have been prepared specially for the present edition, Canada: Ontario: General Publishing Company Ltd: 30 Lesmill Road, Don Mills, Toronto. USA: New York: Dover Childrens Thrift Classics: 31 East 2nd St, Mineola, NY 11501 ©1997. ISBN: 0-486-29900
- Joseph Jacobs (1854–1916), Favorite Celtic Fairy Tales, Unabridged In Easy-to-Read Type, Illustrated by Thea Kliros (1940–2013), Edited by Candace Ward, The illustrations & introductory Note have been specially created for this edition, & some explanatory notes have been added, The Fate of the Children of Lir [5 Kings of Ireland, green raths: wombs, Glory Isle], The Shepherd of Myddvai [Gwraig Annwyn], Morraha [Niall], The Story of Deidre [Malcolm Harper, soothsayer], The Llanfabon Changeling [Pryderi], Beth Gellert [Bedd Gellert: Tylwyth Teg], The Sea-Maiden [soul is an egg in the mouth of a trout, Gyr Carline, Laidly Beast], Canada: Ontario: General Publishing Company Ltd: 30 Lesmill Road, Don Mills, Toronto, UK: England: Constable & Company Ltd: 3 The Lanchesters, 162–164 Fulham Palace Road, London, W6 9ER, USA: New York: Dover Publications Childrens Thrift Classics: 31 East 2nd St, Mineola, NY 11501 ©1994. ISBN: 0-486-28352-6
- Allen Garvin, Faery Lore & Literature ©1996
- Mary McGarry
- Mary McGarry, Great Folk Tales of Old Ireland, Illustrated by Richard Hook (1938–2010), The Fate of the Children of Lir, The Story of Deidre, Oisin in Tir na nOg or the Last of the Fena [The Land of Youth], How Cormac Mac Art Went to Faery, The Giants Stairs [Joseph Philip Ronayne M.P. (1822–1876), Cork Railway. Died: Rinn Ronain], Fior Usga, The King & the Bishop [by Samuel Lover (1797–1868)], King OToole & Saint Kevin, The White Trout: A Legend of Cong [White Trout Goddess], USA: New York State: Bell Publishing Company ©1972. ISBN: 978–0-584-62330-5 [They can reprint this anytime]
- Mary McGarry, Great Fairy Tales of Ireland, Illustrated by Richard Hook (1938–2010), Hie Over to England [Jack Tale: clauricauns], The Magic Shilling [leprechaun red silk purse], The Leprechaun of Carrigadhroid [Humpback], Fair, Brown, & Trembling [Joseph Jacobs: Emania], The Well of D’yeree-in-Dowan [Douglas Hyde (1860–1949): End of the World, Art-Cart-Nart, Dall Glic, Amadán-Omadawn], Tir-Faoi-Thonn: Country-Under-Wave [Alice Furlong (1866–1946): Nuts of Knowledge. Roses & Rue ©1899, Tales of Fairy Folk & Queens & Heroes ©1907. Contributed to: The Irish Monthly, The Weekly Freeman, Chambers Journal, Shan Van Vocht, The Irish Press], The Fairy Tree [Rowan, Sharvan, Lóch Léin: Killarney], Eachtra mhic na Miochomhairle: The Son of Bad Counsel [Retold from mixed prose & verse of Brian Dhu O’Reilly, Cavan ©1723], The Lady of Gollerus [merrow, cohuleen driuth: red cap], Edain the Queen [golden harp, midnight feast, hazel wands], USA: New York State: Avenel Books Crown Publishers Division-UK: London: Wolfe Publishing Limited. ©1973. LCCN: Library of Congress Control Number: 74–78953. About ISBN: International Standard Book Number Standard: 978–0-723-40523-9. [Reprint UK: London: Frederick Muller Ltd. ©1979/1986. ISBN: 978-0-584-62329-1]
- Time Life Book Editors, USA, Est: 1923
- Editor Ellen Phillips, The Enchanted World: Faeries & Elves, Illustrated by Arthur Rackham (1867–1939), Edmund Dulac (1882–1953) & others. pgs 33-4, 52, 112, USA: Chicago, Illinois: Time Life Books Inc. ©1984. ISBN: 0–809452125.
- Editor Ellen Phillips & Colin Thubron (1939–), The Enchanted World: Dragons, pgs 38-44, USA: Chicago, Illinois: Time Life Books Inc. ©1984. ISBN: 0–80945208
- Editor Ellen Phillips, The Enchanted World: Magical Beasts, pgs 74-5, 101-129, USA: Chicago, Illinois: Time Life Books Inc. ©1985. ISBN: 0–809452294.
- Tom E. McGowen (1927–), Senior Editor at World Book Encyclopedia Inc, Encyclopedia of Legendary Creatures, Illustrated by Victor Gyözö Ambrus (1935–), pgs 10-15, 17, 24, 27, 34-6, 38-9, 43, 46, 58, 61-3, USA: Illinois State: AEA Investors® Rand McNally & Company, The Newberry Library, Chicago. Skokie, Chicago ©1981. ISBN: 0–528824023.
- Robin Palmer (1911–), Dragons, Unicorns & Other Magical Beasts: A Dictionary of Fabulous Creatures with Old Tales & Verses about Them, Illustrated by Don Bolognese, pgs 12, 13, 15-17, 29, USA: New York State: Oxford University Press Childrens Book Division a.k.a Henry Z. Walck, Inc. ©1966.
- Nancy Garden (1938–), Werewolves, pgs 22, 30, 58, 91, USA: New York State: J.B. Lippincott Company ©1973. ISBN: 0-397-31463-9
- Thomas Gibbons Aylesworth (1928–1995), Senior Editor at Doubleday, Werewolves & Other Monsters, pgs 17, 38, 71-3, 98-110, USA: Massachusetts State: Addisonian Press ©1971.
- Dinah Starkey, Ghosts & Bogles, Illustrated by Jan Pienkowski (1936–), pgs 45-51, 52-7, 68, 81-7, 97, 110-15, England: Greater London: William Heinemann Educational Books, Covent Garden, London ©1985. ISBN: 0–434-96440-9
- Patricia Mary Shiels OShea (1931–2007), The Hounds of the Morrigan, pgs 467-9, USA: New York State: Holiday House, Inc. ©1985. ISBN: 0–064-47205-1
- Thomas Keightley (1789–1872), The Fairy Mythology: illustrative of the Romance & Superstition of Various Countries Sacred-Texts, ppgs 431-42, UK: England: London: Henry George Bohn (1796–1884) Publishers ©1833, 1870, UK: England: London: Avenel Books-Random House ©2000. ISBN: 0-517-26313-0
- Katherine Mary Briggs (1898–1980), 1 of 3 daughters of water-colorist & coal mine owner Ernest Edward Briggs, PhD. Litt Oxford 1969, Director of the English Folklore Society, The Personnel of Fairyland ©1955, The Anatomy of Puck ©1962, Folktales of England ©1965, The Fairies in Tradition & Literature ©1967, A Dictionary of British Folktales in the English Language ©1971, Folklore of the Cotswalds ©1974
- Katherine Mary Briggs, An Encyclopedia of Fairies, Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies & Other Supernatural Creatures, Ruth Lyndell Tongue (1898–1981) black & white illustrations inside, ppgs 2, 13, 19, 22-3, 112, 173, 177-8, 216, 304 [Seelie Court: Summer Court, Unseelie: Winter Court. sealy, seilie: blessed, lucky, happy], USA: New York State: Pantheon Books a division of Random House Inc. & London: Allen Lane ©1976. ISBN: 978–0–394734675
- Katherine Mary Briggs, The Vanishing People: Fairy Lore & Legends, Illustrations by Mary I. French, Chapter 1: The Supernatural Passage of Time in Fairyland [King Herla: Ertha], Chapter 3: The Trooping Fairy [Spriggans], Chapter 5: Nature Fairies [Cailleach Bheur, Doves], Chapter 6: Fairy Habitations [Tarans, Plânt Rhys Dwfen, The Green Children, St. Collen], Chapter 7: Fairy Midwives & Fairy Changelings [Beaucaire Dragon], Chapter 9: Powers Exercised by the Fairies [glamour, magic cap], Chapter 10: Fairy Patrons & Fairy Wives [Land of Maidens]. UK: England: London: B.T. Batsford Ltd, New York: Pantheon Books a division of Random House Inc. ©1978. ISBN: 0–394-50248-5 [Preface: The vanishing people would seem to be an appropriate descriptive name for the fairies of tradition for 2 reasons, The 1st is that they are supposed to be visible, to those people who are able to see them, between 1 eye-blink & the next. 70 years ago, in my childhood, one was often told not to fix one’s eyes, presumably because this was interpreted as an effort to watch the fairies. Those who anointed their eyes with fairy ointment could see them constantly, whether they had made themselves visible or not, but as a rule, the fairies were supposed to have the power of appearing or vanishing at will. The other reason is that from the 14th century the fairies were supposed to have left the country.]
- Shirley Climo (1928–), Piskies, Spriggans & Other Magical Beings: Tales from the Droll Teller, Illustrated by Joyce Audy dos Santos (1949–), ppgs 1, 12-15, 20-30, 39-40, 9 Cornish Folk Tales, USA: New York State: Thomas Young Crowell (1836–1915) & Co. Junior Books ©1981. ISBN: 0-690-04063-6
- Eve Begley, Of Scottish Ways, ppgs 91-112, USA: Minnesota State: Dillon Press Inc. ©1977. ISBN: 0-060-92383-0
- John Matthews (1945–) & Caitlín Matthews (1952–)
- Caitlín & John Matthews, The Encyclopædia of Celtic Wisdom, pgs 118-119, 242, USA: Maryland State: Rockport, Maryland: Element Inc: Harper Collins ©1994 ISBN: 1-852-30561-4
- John Matthews, The Winter Solstice: The Sacred Traditions of Christmas, pgs. 78, 189, USA: Illinois State: Quest Books, Godsfield Press ©1998. ISBN: 0-835-60769-0
- Miranda Green (1950–), Professor of Archaeology at Cardiff University, Wales, Dictionary of Celtic Myth & Legend, ppgs 34 [Apollo Vindonnus & Bodb Dearg: Essarois Châtillon-sur-Seine], 74, 90, 105-106, 124, 136, 141-145, 152-3, 158-9. 192-3, 215-216, 70, 50, UK: England: London: Thames & Hudson ©1992. ISBN: 0-910-65265
- Jeremiah Curtain (1835–1906), Bureau of American Ethnology Translator, Myths & Folktales of Ireland, Sacred-Texts, The Son of the King of Ireland & the Giant of Lóch Léin, The 13th Son of the King of Erin, Birth of Fin MacCumhail, Fin MacCumhail & the Son of the King of Alba, pron. pg 244, USA: Massachusetts State: Little, Brown Publishers: Boston ©1890, Dover Publications, Inc: ©1975. ISBN: 0-486-22430-9.
- William Butler Yeats (1865–1939), Nobel Prize Winner for Literature, Descendant of Williamite Linen Merchant & Mary Butler, daughter of a landed family in County Kildare. Mother Susan Mary Pollexton a milling/shipping mogul, Rhymers’ Club, Dublin Hermetic Order, National Literary Society of London Founder, Abbey Theatre Founder & Irish Senator, Fairy & Folktales of the Irish Peasantry, Edited & Selected by William Butler Yeats, Sacred-Texts, pgs 10, 99, 119, 133, 200, T’Yeer-Na-N-Oge, 207 The Gancanagh, 341, 382, ©1888, USA: New York: Dover Publications Inc: 31 East 2nd St, Mineola, NY 11501 ©1992. ISBN: 0-486-26941-8
- Lorraine MacDonald, The Cailleach Bheare, UK: Scotland: County North Ayrshire: Inner Hebrides: Dalriada Magazine: Dalriada Celtic Heritage Trust: Dun na Beatha: 2 Brathwic Place: Brodick, Isle of Arran KA27 8BN ©1996. Recognized Scottish Charity £2
- Walt Disney Company, The Irish In America: Long Journey Home, USA: Illinois State: WBGH Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Chicago IL ©1998
- Brian Bell, Insight Guides: Scotland, pg 223, Singapore: A.P.A. Publications LTD. ©1993. ISBN: 0–395-66191-9
- Kevin Danaher (1913–2002), The Year In Ireland, pg 207, Ireland: Munster Province: County Cork: Mercier Press, Cork ©1972. ISBN: 1-856-35093-2
- Carol Rose, Spirits, Fairies, Gnomes & Goblins: An Encyclopedia of the Little People, pg 11, 44, 45, 50, 60, 226-7, 276, 287, USA: California State: ABC-Clio Press, Santa Barbara, CA ©1996. ISBN: 0–874-36811-1
- Daniel Cohen (1939–), Everything You Need to Know About Monsters & Still Be Able to Get to Sleep, pgs 75, 83-4, USA: New York State: Doubleday ©1981. ISBN: 978–0–385–15804–6
- Nancy Arrowsmith (1950–) & George Moorse, A Field Guide to the Little People, pg 34-5, 47, 66-7, 83-4, 88-9, 144-5, 180, 330-1, 247, 261, USA: New York: Pocket Books: Lawrence Hill & Arthur W. Wang (1918–2005) a division of John Chipman Farrar (1896–1974), Roger Williams Straus, Jr. (1917–2004: dad: Macy’s, mom: Gladys Guggenheim American Smelting & Refining Co.) & Robert Giroux (1914–2008) ©1977. ISBN: 0–671-79036-6
- Paulita Sedgwick (1943–2009), Mythological Creatures: A Pictorial Dictionary, pgs 2, 3, 18, 24, USA: New York State: Holt, Rinehart & Winston ©1974. ISBN: 0-030-12946-X
- Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation Inc. USA: California State: 149 New Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105. 2010 Business Development Téléphone c/o Kul Wadhwa: +1-415-839-6885. Facsimile: +1-415-882-0495. Legal: CT Corporation System, 818 West Seventh Steet, Los Angeles, CA 90017
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- Wikipedia: Davide E. Thornton, Early Medieval Louth: The Kingdom of Conaille Muirtheimne, Ireland: County Louth Archaeological & Historical Journal, Vol. 24, no. 1 ©1997. Published 1999. Michael Portzon, Boyne Valley, Drogheda, Co. Meath: +353.878354805, Conaille-Muirthemhne in Feilscribhin Eoin O’Neill, Ireland: Leinster Province: Dublin ©1940.
- Wikipedia: Ankoù, Accessed: ©Sept 6, 2009. Source: Professor Anatole Jean François Marie Le Bras (1859–1926), Faculty of Arts Rennes University, France, Les Saints bretons d’après la tradition populaire en Cornouaille: Breton Saints by popular tradition in Cornwall ©1893-1894, La légende de la mort en Basse-Bretagne: The Legend of death in Lower Brittany ©1893, Collection Bouquins, Robert Laffont ©1994. ISBN: 2-221-07792-4, Vieilles histoires du pays breton: Old stories of Brittany, ©1897, Rennes: Terre de brume ©1999. ISBN: 2–843-62045-4
- Wikipedia: Yggdrasil, Accessed: ©Feb 6, 2010. Sources: Hilda Ellis-Davidson, Biographer of Katherine Mary Briggs, The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe. Routledge ©1993. ISBN: 0–203-40850-0 [9 Worlds, Bifröst, Norwegian burial mound birch felled 1874], Ken Dowden, European Paganism: the Realities of Cult from Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Routledge ©2000. ISBN: 0-415-12034-9. Trans. Ursula Dronke, The Poetic Edda: Volume II: Mythological Poems. UK: England: Oxford University Press ©1993. ISBN: 0–198-11181-9 [Frost Giants, Völva], Trans. Carolyne Larrington, The Poetic Edda. UK: England: Oxford World’s Classics ©1999. ISBN: 0–192-83946-2 [Deer, Odin sacrificed 9 Nights], John Lindow, Norse Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rituals, & Beliefs. UK: England: Oxford University Press. ©2001. ISBN: 0-19-515382-0 [Mimir’s Well], Trans. Anthony Faulkes, Edda. Everyman ©1995. ISBN: 0-4608-7616-3 [Nilfheim, Mimir, Hawk, Squirrel], Ebbe Schön, Asa-Tors hammare, Gudar och jättar i tro och tradition. Fält & Hässler, Värnamo ©2004. ISBN: 91-89660-41-2, Rudolf Simek, translated by Angela Hall, Dictionary of Northern Mythology, D.S. Brewer ©2007. ISBN: 0-859-91513-1 [Hanging Tree, Serpent Names]
- Wikipedia, The Second Part of Jack & the Giants. Giving a full Account of his victorious Conquests over the North Country Giants; destroying the enchanted Castle kept by Galligantus; dispersed the fiery Griffins; put the Conjuror to Flight; & released not only many Knights & Ladies, but likewise a Duke’s Daughter, to whom he was honourably married. UK: England: British Museum: Halliwell-Phillipps: Newcastle-on-Tyne ©1711
- Wikipedia: Otherworld (archived), Sources: James MacKillop, M.A, Harvard University Visiting Fellow in English Literature, Dictionary of Celtic Mythology, UK: England: County Oxon/Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press ©1998, pp.21, 205, 270, 322-3, 346, 359-60. ISBN: 0–19-280120-1 [“Entries, which frequently include variant spellings & etymologies, vary in length from a single identifying phrase to >4 pages. The majority are 1 or 2 paragraphs. Asterisks within the text of an article indicate those terms that are treated further in separate entries.”], Professor Anatole Jean François Marie Le Bras (1859–1926), Faculty of Arts Rennes University, France, La légende de la mort chez les Bretons armoricains (expanded from La légende de la mort en Basse-Bretagne of 1893) ©1902, Escuela Paralaia, Do not worry Andrés..., San Andrés de Teixido Sanctuary, Tacitus’ Cabo do Mundo: End of the World [otherworld=Latin orbis alia, cnoc=Knock: Hollow Hill, 9th Wave of the Sea, Bag an Noz: Night Ships, San Andrés= Saint Andrew. Andrew: The Oak/Melting One] ©March 18, 2009.
- Wikipedia: Áillen, Accessed: ©March 18, 2009, Source: The Boyhood Deeds of Fionn [The Burner. Name of Áine]
- Wikipedia: Kabouter. ©December 12, 2006 & also authors of New World Encyclopedia: Gnome ©December 12, 2006. Sources: William Elliot Griffis (1843–1928), Dutch Fairy Tales For Young Folks, Legend of the Wooden Shoes, USA: New York State: Thomas Young Crowell Co. ©1918, Vivian Russell, Gnomes, Frances Lincoln ©2006. ISBN: 0–711-22325-4. Wil Huygen (1922–2009), Illustrator Rien Poortvliet (1932–1995), Leven en werken van de Kabouter: Life & Work of the Gnomes, ©1977, Published in English as Gnomes, Harry N. Abrams Inc. ©1977. ISBN: 0-8109-0965-0 (20th Anniv) ISBN: 0-8109-5498-2 (30th Anniv). Sequel: De oproep der Kabouters.
- Wikipedia: Joan the Wad, Last Modified: ©December 22, 2013, Sources: Dr Jonathan Couch (1789–1870), Surgeon Apothecary (title changed in 1894 to Assistant Surgeon), author of A History of the Fishes of the British Islands, with coloured illustrations from his own drawings (4 vols., London, 1860–65), History of Polperro, UK: England: Cornwall: “From the reign of King Henry VIII: Polpyz explained as ‘fish-pool’ (pysk=fish, pol=pool)”, Simpkin, Marshall & Co. ©1871, Joan the Wad & the Cornish Piskeys
- The Worm of Linton, Linton Village, Scotland: Scottish Borders: County Roxburghshire. Last Modified: ©August 15, 2014, Sources: Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832), 1st Baronet, Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border ©1802, Ernest Walker Marwick (1915–1977), Orkney Herald Staff Writer, The Folklore of Orkney & Shetland, UK: Birlinn, p. 20, ISBN: 978-1-84158-048-7 ©1975, William Henderson (1813–1891), Notes on the Folk–Lore of the Northern Counties of England & the Borders by William Henderson author of My Life as an Angler, Chapter 8 – Worms or Dragons, UK: England: London: Published for the Folk–Lore Society by W. Satchell, Peyton, & Co., 12 Tavistock St, Covent Garden, W.C. ©1879. [12 ft long dragon living in a hollow on the NE side of Linton Hill, a spot still known as the Worm’s Den, “In length 3 Scots yards & bigger than an ordinary man‣s leg – in form & callour to our common muir edders.” supposedly slain at dawn in 1179 A.D. by William & John de Somerville both Lairds of Lariston at Linton Loch with a iron lance tipped with burning peat, tar & brimstone through the throat. The panel above the entry porch of the Linton Morebattle Hownam Yetholm Parish Church of Scotland is said to celebrate the event. The loch drained as part of the 19th century agricultural improvements & the Somerville crest a wyvern: heraldic dragon perched on a wheel. According to Wikipedia “Emerging from its lair at dusk & dawn to ravage the countryside, eating crops, livestock & people, it proved invulnerable to the weapons ranged against it. ...The writhing death throes of the Linton Worm supposedly created the curious topography of the hills of the region, an area that came to be known as wormington .”]
- Robert Graves (1895–1985), Author of I Claudius & Claudius the God, The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth, USA: New York State: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 19 Union Square, NY 10003 ©1948 & renewed ©1975, ISBN: 0–374-50493-8, pg 40 [Blodewedd-CuRoi-Salmon-Apple], pg 44 [Toadstool Mysteries], pg 58 [Belilli], pg 103-109 [Names of Caer Sidi in Annwyn], 111 [Isle of Sein, Caer Arianrhod], 170 [Brân: Alder], 167 [Rowan: Food of the Gods], 171 [Meliae], 184 [Cragan: Reed], 192 [Garbh Ogh: Heather], 198 [Ogham: Ogre Fingers], 218 [Hellicé / Artemis]
- The Joy of Halloween Magazine, Halloween Trivia, pgs 8, 31, USA: Illinois: H & S Media, Inc.: 2121 Waukegan Rd, Ste 120, Deerfield, IL 60015–1829 ©1999 [Bankruptcy Case #01 B 30691, Northern District Illinois: In February 11, 2002, the Bureau was informed by Attorney James Mc Ardle of UNGARETTI & HARRIS that H&S Media filed an involuntary petition for relief under the Bankruptcy Code on August 31, 2001. ...The Trustee has received numerous copies of complaints that were forwarded to H&S Media regarding magazine subscription which consumers placed with the Debtor prior to the bankruptcy case. Alternate Business Names: Warner Publisher Services Inc., Mary–Kate & Ashley, Crafty Kids, Teen Style, World of Wrestling, Last Lap, Edge, Mary Beths Bean Bag World]
- Georgess McHargue (1941–2011), The Impossible People: A History Natural & Unnatural of Beings Terrible & Wonderful, pg 48-52, USA: New York State: Holt, Rinehart & Winston ©1972. ISBN: 0–030-12541-3
- The Best of the Bothy Band, Fionnghuala (pron. finn-noo-whawl-ah), Ireland: County Donegal: Rann na Feirste Gaeltacht Arrane: Songs, USA: Connecticut State: Green Linnet Records, Inc: 43 Beaver Brook Road, Danbury, CT 06810, GLCD 3001 ©1988 Original ©1977. Band Members: Bouzouki: Dónal Lunny, Uilleann Pipe: Paddy Keenan, Flute & Whistle: Matt Molloy, Fiddle: Paddy Glackin, Mícheál & his sister Singer, Composer, Pianist: Tríona Ní Dhomhnaill (also Skara Brae with their sister Maighread, Clannad, T with the Maggies, Touchstone–Relativity–Nightnoise).
- Steven Blamires (1955–), Royal Yachting Association Licensed Zodiac Driver, Glamoury: Magic of the Celtic Green World, pg 95, USA: Minnesota State: St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications ©1997. ISBN: 1–567-18069-8
- Joanne Asala, Celtic Folklore Cooking, pg 52, 57, 64, 163, 313, 328, USA: Saint Paul, Minnesota State: Llewellyn Publications, 2143 Wooddale Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125 ©1998. ISBN: 1-567-18044-2
- Knowledge Adventure Interactive Software, Fairy Tale: A True Story Activity Center, USA: Paramount Pictures ©1998. ISBN: 0–784-91283-1.
- Translator: Standish Hayes OGrady (1832–1915), 1st Viscount Guillamore, Attorney-General for Ireland & Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer for Ireland, Silva Gadelica: A Collection of Irish Tales, Edited from MSS, & translated by Standish H. OGrady, Vol. 2: Translation & Notes pgs 269, excerpt from the Lebor Laignech: Book of Leinster, UK: London & Edinburgh: Williams & Norgate ©1892, USA: New York: Lemma Publishing Corporation ©1970, LCCN: 70–110291 ISBN: 0-876-96009-3.
- Niall Macnamara, The Leprechaun Companion, Illustrated by Wayne Anderson, Designed by Wherefore Art? Text by Nigel Suckling, pgs 6, 9-10, 13, 16, 18, 22, 80. USA: New York State: William Charles Barnes & Clifford Noble Books by arrangement with Pavilion Books Ltd, Printed & Bound in Singapore ©1999, ISBN: 0-760-71363-4.
- Patricia Monaghan (1946–)
- Patricia Monaghan (1946–), The Book of Goddesses & Heroines, pgs 7, 8, 22, 42, 46-7, 50, 67, 95, 100-101, 124, 175, 208, 228-9, 267, USA: New York State: Elsevier-Dutton Pub ©1981. ISBN: 0-525-47664-4.
- Editor Cheryl Straffon, Patricia Monaghan (1946–), The Paps of Anu, Goddess Alive! Magazine #3 & Fiona Marron, Meetings with Remarkable Sheela-na-Gigs, Goddess Alive! Magazine #5 UK: England: Cornwall: Goddess Alive! Whitewaves, Boscaswell Village, Pendeen, Penzance, Cornwall TR197EP Britain £12 yearly ©2002
- Walter L. “Ted” Brenneman Jr. (1936–), Professor Emeritus of Religion, University of Vermont & Mary G. Brenneman (1926–2011), Crossing the Circle at the Holy Wells of Ireland, pgs. 28, 31-2, UK: England: London & USA: Virginia State: University Press of Virginia, 211 Emmet Street South, Charlottesville VA 22903 ©1995. ISBN: 0–813-91548-1 [“Perhaps the Brennemans’ most original contribution is their coining of the term loric to describe the deep indwelling power of particular geographic locations” – Julie Heath, Indiana University ©1996. “Enhancing the photographs & research are numerous tales about trees at the wells that when cut will not burn, stones associated with the wells that when removed always return, & trout living in the wells that when caught cannot be cooked.” VNU Entertainment Media UK Ltd. ©2006]
- Moyra Caldecott (1927–), Women in Celtic Myth: Tales of Extraordinary Women from the Ancient Celtic Tradition, pg 88, USA: Vermont State: Destiny Books ©1988. ISBN: 0–892-81357-1
- Translator: Jeffrey Gantz, Early Irish Myths & Sagas, pgs 55, 117, UK: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England; USA: New York State: Penguin Books ©1981. ISBN: 0–140-44397-5
- Anne Moray (1909–1981), A Fair Stream of Silver: Love Tales from Celtic Lore, pgs 198, 199, UK: England: London: Longman’s Green & USA: New York: William Morrow & Co. ©1965. LCCN: 65–24510.
- Rosalind Clark, The Great Queens, pgs 31, 51, 130, 194, USA: New York State: William Charles Barnes & Clifford Noble Books ©1991. ISBN: 0-389-20928-7.
- Eleanor Hull (1860–1935), Co-Founder of the Irish Texts Society, The Cuchulainn Saga In Irish Literature, Grimm Library #8, pgs 111, 121, 128, 164, 174, 198, 216, UK: England: London: Published by David Nutt on the Strand ©1898, 1972. AMS Press ISBN: 0–404-53553-4
- Timothy R. Roberts, The Celts In Myth & Legend, pgs. 54, 92-96, USA: New York State: New York City: Friedman Fairfax Publishing ©1995. ISBN: 1-567-99092-4
- Bob Curran, A Field Guide to Irish Fairies, Illustrated by Andrew Whitson (1967–), pgs. 13-15, 19-29, USA: California State: San Francisco: Chronicle Books ©1998. ISBN: 1-081-18227-61
- Celtic Female Names of Wales [Enid cerch Niwl Iarll, Daughter of the Earl of the Mist], Domains by Proxy LLC: Amethyst-Night.com ©2010
- Pierre Levée, Bulletin du Fainne d’Avalon, Petit Lexique de la Mythologie Irlandaise: Little Glossary of Irish Mythology [Aengus, Aine, Ce, Cian, Cuchulainn, Diarmaid, Emain Macha, Etain, Finn, Raighne, Ulates], France: Eric & Ká Site ©1999
- Robert Lowe, Appendix Two: Various Gods & Legends [Crom Dubh, Óengus] ©1999 & J Charles Day, Enter the Mist: Gods & Goddesses of the Celts ©2001
- Daragh Smyth, A Guide to Irish Mythology, pgs. 139, 124 -7, Ireland: Leinster Province: Dublin: Irish Academic Press ©1988. ISBN: 0-716-52612-3
- Peter Beresford Ellis (1943–), A Dictionary of Irish Mythology, pgs. 1-22, 25-26, 28, 39, 89, 106-109, 93, 112, 128-135, 150, 172-174, 190-194, 207-209, 215-226, USA: ABC-CLIO ©1987. ISBN: 0-874-36553-8
- Gerard Murphy (1901–1959)
- Eleanor Knott (1886–1975), Society for the Simplification of the Spelling of Irish 1910–1912, Trinity College Professor of Early Irish 1939 & Gerard Murphy (1901–1959), Early Irish Literature, pgs. 43-63, 116, 133, USA: New York State: William Charles Barnes & Clifford Noble, Inc. ©1966. ISBN: 0-140-44397-5
- Gerard Murphy (1901–1959), Early Irish Lyrics: Eighth to Twelfth Century, pgs. 67 Colum Cille cecinit, 85, 118, 242, 305-315, London: Oxford University Press: Clarendon Press, Geoffrey Cumberlege, Publisher to the University; PB1351.M82 ©1936. ISBN: 0-198-15207-8
- Translator: Patrick Brown, The Ulster Cycle: Togail Bruidne Da Choca: Da Chocas Hostel, Ireland: ©1999
- Lewis Hadley, Professor of Journalism, HadsCLAProject: Trefuilngid Tre-eochair, USA: Maine State: University of Maine System: 5752 Neville Hall - ITS Computing Center, Orono, ME 04469, Téléphone:+1-207-561-3508 ©1999
- Raven, Saint Patricks Day, Mystical Minds E-Zine, USA: California State: Mystical Minds Practitioners’ Emporium: 34213 P.C.H., Ste. B, Dana Point, CA 92629. Téléphone: +1-949-493-4397 ©1999.
- James Stephens (1882–1950), Irish Fairy Tales, Illustrated by Arthur Rackham (1867–1939), Sacred-Texts, The Boyhood of Fionn, UK: England ©1920. USA: New York: Dover Publications Inc: 31 East 2nd St, Mineola, NY 11501 ©1996. ISBN: 0-486-29166-9
- Micha Lindeman, Encyclopedia Mythica, Domains by Proxy LLC ©1999.
- Elizabeth Donnelle Mckaskle, Haunted Highlands & Celtic Ghosts, Mary Mac, All Dressed in Black: Mary McAskill/Mary McKaskle [Dunscaith (Doon SKAA), Sleat Ruins, Torkavaig: Grove of the Druids, Sgathach (SKY-ah): Isle of Skye, Inner Hebrides], The Piper [Duntrune Castle sold by the Campbells to the Malcolms in 1792. Colla Ciotach MacDonald /Colkito: Left-Handed Coll], Ming. mingin: To smell strongly ‘The was minging of roses just before the ghost appeared’, Scotland, Her History, USA: Texas State: America Online ©1998.
- Translator: Robert Alexander Stewart Macalister (1870–1950), Archeologist, President Royal Irish Academy 1926–1931, Lebor Gabála Érenn Vol III, Ireland: Leinster Province: County Kildare: Leinster Leader Limited, 19 South Main Street, Naas, Téléphone : +353 045 897302 ©1938, 1994. LCCN: 70–110291 ISBN: 0-876-96009-3.
- Caroline Bingham (1938–1998), Research Fellow Royal Holloway & Bedford New College, Beyond the Highland Line: Highland History & Culture, pgs 32, 41, 133, UK: England: London: Constable ©1991. ISBN: 0-946-87900.
- Frank OConnor (1903–1966), Cúirt an Mheóin Oíche: The Midnight Court: A Rhythmical Bacchanalia from the Irish of Bryan Merriman (1749–1805), pgs 34-37, UK: England: London: Maurice Fridberg Publications ©1945 reprint ©1974. Haskell House Pub Ltd. ISBN: 0-838-31896-7 [Banned in Ireland by the Censorship Board in 1946. Celtic Press Censorship 1909. Oral Reading Cumann Merriman. Other Translators: Ludwig Christian Stern (1846–1911), Merriman Cuirt An Mheadhoin Oidhche: Der mitternächtige Gerichtshof (Aus dem Irischen.), Germany: University of Bonn: Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie #V. Band, Halle a.S., M. Niemeyer/London Publisher: David Nutt ©1905 ISSN: 0084–5302 est. 1897 (Komplet), Richard Foley (1871–1957), Director of The Place Names Commission, Cúirt an Mheadhon Oidhche le Brian Merriman, Ireland: Leinster Province: County Dublin: Dublin City: Hodges, Figgis Pub. ©1912, Lord Edward Arthur Henry Pakenham, 6th Earl of Longford (1902–1961) Tully–Nally Castle/Pakenham Castle, Lord Percival Arland Ussher, Earl of Lainsbourough (1899–1980), The Midnight Court & The Adventures of a Luckless Fellow, USA: New York State: Boni & Liveright ©1926, David Marcus (1924–2009: Oughtobiography – Leaves from the diary of a hyphenated Jew), The Midnight Court by Bryan Merriman with cuts by Michael Biggs, Ireland: Dublin: Dolmen Press ©1967, Rev. Canon Cosslett Ó Cuinn (1907–1995), The Midnight Court by Brian Merriman with illustrations by John Verling (1943–2009), Ireland: Munster Province: County Cork: The Mercier Press ©1982, 87p, ISBN: 0853426570, Liam P. Ó Murchú (1929–), Cúirt an Mheon-Oiche le Brian Merriman, Ireland: Leinster Province: County Dublin: Baile Atha Cliath: An Clochomhar ©1982, 117p (From Denis Woulfe the 1st to translate the work in the 1820s. All 1,026 lines), Patrick C. Power, Cúirt an Mhean-Oiche by Brian Merriman, Ireland: Munster Province: County Cork: Mercier Press ©1986, 96p. ISBN: 1853422443 (1,096 lines), Ciarán Carson (1948–) The Midnight Court, Gallery Press/USA: Wake Forest University Press ©2006. 1780: Loch Gréine: Sun Lake, An Fhiacail/Feakle, Drained by the River of the Sun. 52°59′6″N 8°39′18″W. Setting: Moinmoy Ruined Monastery, Thomond (Tuamhumhan, the old North Munster sub‑division that includes parts of counties Tipperary & Limerick as well as the whole of the County Clare). The goddess Aoibheall of Liath Craig, Kincora, Clare. “In the aisling: dream, vision, Ireland appears to the poet in a vision in the form of a woman, sometimes young & beautiful, sometimes old & haggard. This female figure is generally referred to in the poems as a Spéirbhean (heavenly woman; pronounced ‘spare van’). ...Irish form of the French reverdie, in which the poet meets a beautiful, supernatural woman who symbolises the spring season, the bounty of nature, & love.”]
- Adrian David Hugh Bivar, Emeritus Professor of Iranian Studies, University of London, Sasanian numismatist & archaeologist, Lyonnesse: The Evolution of a Fable, Modern Philology 50 (3): 162–170. ©February 1953: DOI: Digital Object Identifier®: 10.1086/388954. International DOI Foundation c/o Corporation for National Research, USA: Virginia State: 1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100, Reston 20191, Stanley Weilnau, Téléphone: +1.7036208990
- Dirra, Celtic Goddesses ©2000.
- J. Daire, Celtic Names of the British Isles Canada ©2000.
- PJ Chriss, Celtic Gods & Goddesses from The Book of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes & other Mythological Characters ©2000 [Addanc, Aericura, Aobh, Bubona, Caelia, Caer, Coventina, Cran Bethadh, Esus, Etain, Nichneven, Taran, Ratis] & Joelles Sacred Grove [Harimella=Veradechhis, Nant=Nantsuoelta]
- W[illiam] Richards LLD, Geiriadur Llogeli Cymraeg A Saesoneg: A Pocket Dictionary Welsh – English, UK: England: Wrexham London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co. ©1861
- Luminaras Web of Myth-tery: Wales [Arianrod, Branwen, Cerridwen] ©2000. Olde URL: www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/4456/
- Rhydderch ab Ieuan Llwyd (ca. 1325–1400), Y Mabinogian, Llyfr Gwynn Rhydderch: White Book of Rhydderch, UK: Wales: Ceredigion Province: Llangeitho Parish: Parcrhydderch, National Library of Wales: Peniarth MS 4 & Peniarth MS 5 ©1350 AD.
- Translation: Mr. Gwyn Thomas (1936–), Emeritus Professor of Welsh at Bangor University & Kevin Crossley-Holland (1941–), Producer: BBC Talks, Editor: Macmillan & Co. Ltd. Victor Gollancz Ltd., Boydell & Brewer Ltd, Y Mabinogian: Tales of the Mabinogian, USA: New York State; The Overlook Press: 141 Wooster Street, New York, NY 10012
Téléphone: +1-212-673-2210 ©1996. ISBN: 0–879-51637-2
- Translation: Dafydd ifans & Rhiannon Ifans, Y Mabinogion: Diweddariad gaw Dafydd & Rhiannon Ifans, UK: Wales: County Dyfed: Gomer Press Ltd./Gwasg Gomer, Llandysul Enterprise Park, Llandysul, Ceredigion SA44 4JL, Téléphone: +44 1559 362371 ©1980. ISBN: 978–1-859022603 [A tynged: doom, fate, destiny, plural tynghedau is the Welsh equivalent of the Irish geas, the most famous of which were those that Arianrhod: Silver Wheel placed on her son Lleu Llaw Gyffes: Lunar Gleam in Math fab Mathonwy]
- Anna Asbury, Wounded Doves Nest [Coventina, Crobh Dearg, Ebhlinne, Medb], Web Host: AngelFire ©1999-2006. Source: Michael Dames, Mythic Ireland, UK: England: Thames & Hudson, Ltd. ©1992. ISBN: 0–500-01530-9
- Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (39AD–65AD), The Pharsalia of Lucan as translated by Sir Edward Ridley, England: London: Longmans, Greene & Co. ©1896. Original: De Bello civili, Italy: Rome ©60AD [Albinas Temple of Scythia invaded: Lucan joined Roman Senator Gaius Calpurnius Piso against Emperor Nero (37AD–68AD). His treason discovered, according to Tacitus, Lucan was bled to death.]
- Harald Ponce de Leon, Celtic Stuff at Crystal Waterfall Coven College & Supply Store [Grian], UK: England: Northumbria: South Yorkshire Province: Creative Magick Enterprises, 82 Broad Street Sheffield S25TG. ©1999
- James Bonwick FRGS (1817–1906), Hon Fellow of the Anthropological Institute; Author of The Last of the Tasmanians, Romance of the Wool Trade, etc, Irish Druids & Old Irish Religions, pg 14, 192, UK: England: London: Griffith, Farran, & Co. ©1894, 1984. AYER Company Pub. Inc. ISBN: 0-405-07936-2, 0-405-07942-7.
- Donnchadh Ó Corráin & Fidelma Maguire, Irish Names, Ireland: Leinster Province: County Dublin: Lilliput Pr Ltd; 2 ed: 62 Sitric Rd, Arbour Hill, Dublin ©1992. ISBN: 0–946640661
- Jim Donaldson, Gord Cymrus Arthurian Infopedia: The Quest for Arthur & the Holy Grail: Trioedd Ynys Prydein: The Welsh Triads, Celtic Twilight Publishers ©1999
- Polly Moller, Guide to Celtic Deities [Bress], Silver Wheel Music ©2001,
- Katy Jordan, Sarn Eluned, Eluneds Way, UK: SW England: County Somerset: University of Bath: Bath, BA2 7AY, Téléphone: 01225 388388, Black Cat Folklore & Design ©1999 [Somerset is Gwlad yr Haf in Welsh, Gwlas an Hav in Cornish & Bro an Hañv in Breton, which all mean “Country of the Summer”.]
- Tadhg Sullivan, The Name Tadhg, WebHost: Ireland Online: Tadhg Sullivans Homepage ©2001
- Caer Clud: What Does it Mean? United Kingdom: Scotland: County Lanarkshire: Caer Clud Order of Druids, 290 North Woodside Road, Glasgow G20 6LX ©2001
- Ruaidhri Ó Cianáin (–1387), Leabhar Méig Shamhradháin: The Book of Maugaran, Ireland: Ulster Province: County Cavan, Tullyhaw ©1341, 1941 translation by Reverend Lambert McKenna (1870–1956), National Library of Ireland MS G 1200. Olde URL: www.mcgovernonline.com
- Suovakko, The Singers of Aesry Surlaenisa, The Elanthian Library Archive, Te Merikanto Rautavaara: 4th Edition ©2001.
- Suzanne Barrett, The Holy Wells of Ireland, USA: New York State: About.com Inc: The New York Times. ©2001.
- Christopher Bruce, The Arthurian Name Dictionary: The Lady of the Lake, Garland Reference Library of the Humanities: Garland Press ©1998. ISBN: 0–815-32865-6.
- Anne Foley, The Holy Wells Crossabeg – na Crosa Beaga – The Parish & its People Vol. I, Ireland: Leinster Province: County Wexford: Wæsfjord: Crossabeg Town ©1998.
- William Walter Gill (1876–1963)
- William Walter Gill, Author of A Manx Scrapbook, A Second Manx Scrapbook, Chapter VII: The Animal & Vegetable Kingdoms, Publisher: J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd, 11 Quay St, Bristol, Number 2 of the Manx Scrapbooks, This Edition is limited to 500 codes, of which 450 copies are for sale ©1932, Estate of W. Walter Gill. HTML Transcription Ms. Frances Coakley ©2004
- Manx Society Volume 16, pg 144: Yn Meailley, ©1869, HTML Transcription Ms. Frances Coakley ©2001
- Blue Moon Gallery, Goddess Information Page, USA: Michigan State: Genesee Valley Mall: G3309 S. Linden, Flint MI 48507. Téléphone: +1-810-732-8165 © 2001. Olde URL: www.oscoda.net/bluemoon/goddess-info.html.
- The Camelot Project, Marion Lee Reynolds, Gereint of Devon, USA: Massachusetts State: Sherman, French, & Co., Boston ©1916, George Augustus Simcox (1841–1905), Gawain & the Lady of Avalon [Ragnell], Poems & Romances, UK: England: London: Strahan & Co. Publishers, 56 Ludgate Hill ©1869 & Translator Lady Charlotte Elizabeth Guest (1812–1895), daughter of the 9th Earl of Lindsey, The Mabinogion from the Llyfr Coch o Hergest, & Other Ancient Welsh Manuscripts, with an English Translation & Notes, Volume the First, Gereint the Son of Erbin, UK: London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, ©1838, USA: New York State: University of Rochester, Rossell Hope Robbins Library Digital Projects, Rush Rhees Library Room 416, Rochester, NY. 14627–0055, Téléphone: Alan Lupack, Director, +1-585-275-0110 ©2001.
- Translator Andrew Gabriel Lang (1844–1912) [The earliest of his publications is The Ballads & Lyrics of Old France ©1872], Andrew Lang’s Fairy Books – also known as Andrew Lang’s Rainbow Fairy Books or Andrew Lang’s Fairy Books of Many Colors ©1889–1910: 12 volumes: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Pink, Grey, Violet, Crimson, Brown, Orange, Olive, Lilac
- Madame La Comptesse dAulnoy: Marie-Catherine Le Jumelle de Berneville, Baronne d’Alnoy (1650–1682), Cabinet des Fées [Les Contes des Fées, France: Paris, Barbin ©1682, Rare Books Collection University of British Columbia, 1956 Main Hall, Vancouver, BC, Canada, reprint 2004.To read: Madame d’Aulnoy: Contes de Fées suivis de Contes nouveaux ou Les Fées à la mode, éd. Nadine Jasmin, Paris, Champion], Le Nain jaune: The Yellow Dwarf [Belisama], Fortunée: Felicia & the Pot of Pinks, Le mouton: The Wonderful Sheep, The Blue Fairy Book edited by Andrew Lang with numerous Illustrations by Henry Justice Ford (1860–1914) & George Percy Jacomb Hood (1857–1929), French translation: Miss Minnie Wright, UK: London & New York: Longmans, Green & Co.: 15 East 16th St. ©1889, 6 shillings, Gracieuse et Percinet: Graciosa & Percinet, Le Rameau dOr: The Golden Branch, The Red Fairy Book edited by Andrew Lang with numerous Illustrations by Henry Justice Ford (1860–1914) & Lancelot Speed (1860–1931), London, New York, Bombay & Calcutta: Longmans, Green & Co.: 39 Paternoster Row, London ©1890
- Émile Souvestre (1806–1854), The Breton Hearth, Popular Traditions illustrated by: Le Foyer Breton, traditions populaires, illustré par MM, Tony Johannot (1803–1852), Octave Penguilly l’Haridon (1811–1870), Adolphe Pierre Leleux (1812–1891), C. Fortin & Saint–Germain, France: Paris: Éditions Wilfrid Coquebert: 48, rue Jacob ©1844. Information 1844 ed: French: 868KB Adobe® PDF (archived), The 4 Gifts, La Groach de lîle de Lok: The Groach of the Isle of Lok, The Castle of Ker-Glas, The Escape of the Mouse, The Lilac Fairy Book edited by Andrew Lang with 6 colored plates & numerous illustrations by Henry Justice Ford (1860–1914), Translation: Leonora Blanche Alleyne a.k.a Mrs. Andrew Lang, UK: New York, London, Bombay & Calcutta: Longmans, Green & Co.: Fourth Avenue & 30th Street, NY ©1910, The Story of Little King Lok, The Olive Fairy Book edited by Andrew Lang with 8 colored plates & numerous illustrations by Henry Justice Ford (1860–1914) UK: London, New York, Calcutta & Bombay: Longmans, Green & Co.: 39 Paternoster Row, London. ©1907, Ian the Soldiers Son, How Ian Direach Got the Blue Falcon, The Orange Fairy Book edited by Andrew Lang with 8 colored plates & numerous illustrations by Henry Justice Ford (1860–1914) UK: London, New York & Bombay: Longmans, Green & Co.: 39 Paternoster Row, London ©1906
- Mite Kremnitz (1852–1916), Petre Ispirescu, Rumanische Märchen, Germany: Leipzig: W. Friedrich ©1882, The Boys With the Golden Stars, The Glass Mountain, The Violet Fairy Book edited by Andrew Lang with numerous Illustrations by Henry Justice Ford (1860–1914), UK: London, New York & Bombay: Longmans, Green & Co.: 91 & 93 East Fifth Ave, NY. ©1901.
- Arthur William Moore, M. A (1853–1909), Loayreyder yn Chiare as Feed: The Speaker of the House of Keys, The Folklore of the Isle of Man: Being an Account of Its Myths, Legends, Superstitions, Customs & Proverbs, Collected from many sources; with a General Introduction; & with Explanatory Notes to each Chapter , UK: Isle of Man: Brown & Son: Times Buildings, Athol Street, Douglas, London: David Nutt, pg 270, Strand ©1891. Norwood Editions ©1973. ISBN: 0–883054205
- Arthur William Moore M.A. (1853–1909), Loayreyder yn Chiare as Feed: The Speaker of the House of Keys, The Manx Notebook: A Quarterly Journal of Matters Past & Present Connected with the Isle of Man, Printed & Published by G & R Johnson: Prospect Hill, Douglas, Isle of Man ©1886, HTML Transcription Ms. Frances Coakley ©2001
- William Wirt Sikes (1836–1883), U.S. Consul at Cardiff, Wales, British Goblins: Welsh Folk-Lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends & Traditions, Sacred-Texts: gwydion, green isles, pg2: ellyllon, goblins, pg3: gwragedd annwn, roane, pg4: gwyllion, pg11: red men, pwca=howel, green lady of caerphilly, UK: London: S. Lowe, Marston, Searle & Rivington ©1880. Reprint ©1976. Charles River Books. ISBN: 0-685-52214-8
- Edward John Gwynn (1868–1941), Provost of Trinity College, President of the Royal Irish Academy 1934–1937, Metrical Dindsenchas Vols 1-7: The Fair of Tailtu, Translated by Odges & Figgis, Ireland: Dublin ©1925. Reprinted by Shee Eire: H.K.Web Design, Gubbs, Drumdiffer Road, Ballinamore, County Leitrim, Ireland, Hosting: SMS Computer Group, Townsend Industrial Park, 28 Townsend Street, Belfast BT13 2SE, Source: Rev. John OHanlon, Irish Folklore: Traditions & Superstitions of the Country with Humourous Tales, E.P Publishing Ltd. ©1870, 1973. ISBN: 0-849-22017-3.
- Titus Josephus Flavius or Priest Iosepos Matthiou pais (37AD–100AD), Apocryphra: The Book of Bel, Antiquitates Judaicae: The Antiquities of the Jews Book V: Chapter 13, Book VII: Chapter 8 © 1st Century AD in the reign of Flavius Domitian. English Translator William Whiston ©1732. Michael Hart’s University of Illinois Project Gutenberg E-Text ©1994 [note: The Book of Bel is not in Hebrew, so it is set apart in the Book of Daniel]
- Harmony Home, Pagan Holidays, Festivals & Memories, Germany: Angelfire.com ©2001
- Orville H. Hampton, Edward Small Presents Jack the Giant Killer, Starring Kerwin Matthews as Jack, Co-Starring Judi Meredith as Elaine a.k.a Lily, Director: Nathan Juran, Fantascope Special Effects by Howard A. Anderson ©1962, MGM-DVD ISBN: 0–798-60195
- Thomas Crofton Croker (1798–1854), Fairy Legends & Traditions of the South of Ireland, Sacred-Texts: Fior Usga, The Lady of Gollerus, The Giant’s Stairs ©1825-1828-1834
- Tom Peete Cross (1879–1951) & Clark Harris Slover (1892–1939), Ancient Irish Tales, Lebor Gabála: The Book of Invasions, Cath Magh Turagh: Grain of the Plain of Frost: The Second Battle of Magh Turagh, Oidheadh Cloinne Tuireann: The Fate of the Children of Tuirenn: Fire, Togail Bruidne Da Derga: The Destruction of Da Derga: 2 Reds Hostel, The Birth of Cú Chúlainn: Hazel Hound, Mesca Ulaid: The Intoxication of the Ulstermen, USA: New York State: William Charles Barnes & Clifford Noble Publishers division of Harper & Roe Inc. ©1936. Bibliography ©1969. Charles W. Dunn. LCC: 68–20698 Call No. PB 1421.C76.
- André Orban, Etmyology of the Surname Orbán ©1997
- Nancy McLean, Johnson Family Tree Family Tree Resources ©2001
- Kathy Jones, In the Nature of Avalon: Goddess Pilgrimages in Glastonburys Sacred Landscape An extensive extract from Kathys new book published by Ariadne Publications available through this site ©Kathy Jones, 2000.
- Dave Bartell, Safari Guide for the Superstitous, USA: Compuserve ©1997
- Barbara G. Walker (1930–), The Womans Dictionary of Symbols & Sacred Objects, The Womans Encyclopedia of Myths & Secrets, Harper & Row ©1983, 1988, Robert Graves (1895–1985), New Encyclopedia of Mythology, Hamlyn ©1983, David Bellingham, Celtic Mythology, Chartwell Books ©1990, Elinor W. Gadon, The Once & Future Goddess, USA: California State: Harper San Francisco ©1989: Olde URL: Barbaras, www.mothergoddess.com [Aine, Arianrod, Brigid, Epona, Sinclair] ©2001
- Jürgen Franke, Dieter Passchier, Stefan Garnatz, Peter Köhler, Carin Schal, Axel Gottschalk, Roland Frese, Manfred Roth, Andys Clan-Seite: Das Volk von Erainn, Germany: Midgard: Pegasus Spiele GmbH, 61169 Friedberg ©1999 Olde URL: www.schaefer.dusnet.de/
- Ivlianvs, Dea Sancta Ataecina Turibregensis, Spain: CeltIberia.net: Jesus Silverio Cavia Camarero, Burgos BURGOS 09005 ES. Telefono: +34.947227120 © 01/08/02
- Sanjong On-line, Odissidance, India: Orissa Region: Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar ©1999-2001
- Karsten Dykow, Liber Paganum [Beli, Crom Cruach, Coventina, Morrigan], Germany: liber paganum organization: Brandenbaumer Landstr. 175, Luebeck 23566 DE. Telefon: +49.1741683603. ©1998. Sources: P. & S. Botheroyd, Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology; Lancelot Lengyel, Le Secret des Celtes, France: Ronert Morel Editeur ©1969, The Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology
- Terre dEveil, Petit Dictionnaire des Hommes Légendaires Celtes Extrait du livre “Pour comprendre les Celtes et les Gaulois” de Jean-Michel Thibaux (1941–), France: Pocket ©1999, France: Orange ©1999
- Yann Morère, Alésia & Vercingétorix, France: Source: Encyclopædia Universalis ©2001
- Petra van Cronenburg, Gallery: Mont St. Odile, France: 32, route de Lobsann, Kutzenhausen 67250 FR Téléphone: +33-388-807601 ©2001
- Max Dashu (1950–), Serpent in the Mound, Suppressed Histories Archive: International Womens Studies, USA: California State: Oakland ©2000. Sources: Guerino il Meschino Reductorium Morale: Salade ©1362, Antonio Pucci, Libro de Varie Storie ©1360, Antoine de la Salle, Le Paradis de la Reine Sibylle, ©1391, Monnier, Culte des esprits dans la Séquanie.
- Black Dove, Mythology, Black Doves Realm of Witchcraft ©2000
- Professor Bruce Joannes Opsopoeus Brettanus McClennan, Biblioteca Arcana: Ovum Incantatum Neapolis: The Enchanted Egg of Naples, Pythagorean Tarot: XI. Senex - Geron - Old Man, The Glaukidai: A Myth of the Blue Men, USA: Tennessee State: University of Tennessee Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, 203 Claxton Complex, 1122 Volunteer Blvd. Knoxville, TN 37996–3450. Téléphone: +1-865- 974-5067. ©2000. Source: Biblioteca Arcana, Llewellyn Press ©2000. ISBN: 1–567-18449-9. Bluemen Sources: Apollodorus, Bibliotece; Horace Beck, Folklore & the Sea ©1970; G. F. Black, County Folk-lore, Vol. III; D. Chalmers, History of Scotland ©1579; C. Kerényi, Gods of the Greeks, Goddesses of the Sun & Moon; A. A. MacGregor, The Peat-fire Flame, H. W. Parke, Sibyls & Sibylline Prophecy in Class Antiquity, R. M. Robertson, Selected Highland Folk Tales, W. F. Skene, Celtic Scotland: A History of Ancient Alban
- Alchemy Gothic, Libris Arcana (Adobe® Flash site) [Grim Reaper], UK: England: County Leicestershire: Alchemy Carta Ltd., Hazel Drive, Leicester LE3 2JE
Téléphone: +44 (0) 116 282 4824
- The History of Gigha, UK: Scotland: County Ross-shire: The Isle of Gigha Heritage Trust UK Limited Company, #224141, Calico UK, 27-29 High St. Cromarty, Ross-shire IV11 PA31 8SH ©2001
- Patrick Kennedy (1801–1873), Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts, Sacred-Texts, Sceal Re Bonna Dearriga na tri chourla do hug she dha mac: The 3 Advices which the King with the Red Soles gave to his Son [Illan], The Palace in the Rath [Womb], Eachtra mhic na Miochomhairle: The Adventures of the ‘Son of Bad Counsel’ [Gruagath: Giant of the Unfrequented Land], Beanriogain na Sciana Breaca: Queen of the Speckled Dagger-Queen of the Many-Coloured Bed-Chamber [Principal word pronounced vanreen: Fionn, Claus Haistig], Illan Eachtach & the Lianan, An Braon Suan Or: Teardrop of Golden Sleep, The Progress of the Wicked Bard [Athirne, Palace of Cam Tiernach South Munster], Bress, UK: London: Macmillan ©1866, Reprints: 1891, 1969. ISBN: 0-405-08695-4
- Amritam Gweththew & Rowan Windlyric, The Immortals, USA: Virginia State: Simutronics Inc.® GemStone-DragonRealms MUD: Multi User Dungeon Online Roleplaying Game, David Whatley, Tom Zelinsk, Susan Zelinsk, Simutronics Corp. 349 Main Street
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878. Original WebHost: Hobgoblin.net ©2001
- Mike Varden Creel Duggan, The Official Timeline of Alandane, Brass Dragon Games ©2001.
- Lady Isabella Augusta Persse Gregory (1852–1952), Abbey Theatre Founder, Gods & Fighting Men: The Story of the Tuatha De Danaan & of the Fianna of Ireland, arranged & put into English, Sacred-Texts, The Great Battle of Magh Tuireadh, Bodb Dearg, Angus Og, Aine, Manannan at Play, Cliodnas Wave, Tadhg, The Shadowy One, The Hunt of Slieve Cullin, The Daughter of the King Under-Wave, Giolla Decair: The Hard Servant [Sorcha], The Wood of Dubhros, Oisin in Patricks House, UK: England: London: J. Murray ©1904 Canada: MacMillan Company Limited ©1976.
- Harry Mountain, The Celtic Encyclopedia Vols I-V & The Celtic Encyclopedia Vol II & Vol V, [Inciona, Cymidei], Portugal: Universal Publishers a Division of Dissertation.com: Apartado 2021, 3820 Aveiro, Portugal ©1997-1998 Complete 5 Volume Set ISBN: 1-581-12889-4.
- Philip Greywolf Shallcrass, The Faerie Rad, The Tuatha De Danann, Awen — The Holy Spirit of Druidry, UK: England: County Shropshire: The British Druid Order Midlands: P.O. Box 6733, Bridgnorth WV16 9BW / 88 Grosvenor Road, Dudley, DY3 2PR ©1999, 2001.
- Bishop Alexander Penrose Forbes, D.C.L. of Brechin (1817–1875), Kalendars of Scottish Saints: With personal notices of those of Alba, Laudonia, & Strathclyde: An attempt to fix the Districts of their several Missions & the Churches where they were chiefly had in Remembrance, UK: Scotland: County Edinburghshire/Midlothian: Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas: 88 Princes St. ©1872
- Michael Everson, Clófhoirne Oghaim: Ogham Fonts, Ireland: Connacht Province: County Mhaigh Eo: Evertype / Everson Typography, Cnoc na Sceiche, Leac an Anfa, Cathair na Mart ©2002-10-21 Original ©1993
- Dr. David Frawley, Pandit Vamadeva Shastri, Vedic Origins of the Europeans: The Danavas, Children of Danu, The Rig Veda & the History of India: Rig Veda Bharata Itihasa, Aditya Prakashan ©2001
- TourEgypt, Jimmy Dunn, Nikratj (Greek Naukratis, modern Kom Gieif), The Ancient Ankh: Symbol of Life, Baal: God of Thunder, Taylor Ray Ellison, Anat: Mother of the Gods, USA: Texas State: Karim Elemam, InterCity Oz, Inc. 4229 Adrian, Lubbock 79415 ©2001
- Bishop Thomas Percy (1729–1811), Bishop of Dromore, Chaplain to King George III & Hugh Percy, 1st Duke of Northumberland & Elizabeth Seymour Duchess of Northumberland, Blue Stockings Society Salon Member, author of The Regulations & Establishment of the Household of Henry Algernon Percy, the 5th Earl of Northumberland, at his Castles of Wresill & Lekinfield in Yorkshire. Begun anno domini M.DXII, Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, v. 3, book 2, no. 6, pp. 130-133, The Marriage of Sir Gawain, UK: England: London: ©1765. USA Reprint: New York: Dover Publications Inc: 31 East 2nd St, Mineola, NY 11501 ©1966
- Eric L. Oliver & Amber Satterwhite, Trinity of Marys, Christian Wicca Homepage, USA: Alabama State: c/o Nancy Chandler, 1624 College Street SE, Decatur, AL 35601 ©2001
- Vincent Bridges, In Search of the Origins of Esoteric Christianity: The Holy Grail in Provence, USA: Magic Journey Spiritual Tours ©2000.
- Seán ó Tuathail, Foclóir Draíochta: Dictionary of Druidism [Thríbhís Mhór, triúr, béalaithris, beannacht, breac, breachsholas, brí, bua, bruane, buachaitheam, buachloch, Dún Aillinne, fíor, Marcaigh Móra Géala, ogham, Naoú Tonn], Publisher: John Kellnhauser / Cainteanna na Luise, WebHost: Summerlands Bruidhean-Hostel: USA: The Summerlands Inc. Charles DeVane, 7371 Atlas Walk Way, PMB 205, Gainesville, VA 20155, ©1993
- Anne Marshal, The Life of St.Catherine: Sporle, Norfolk (‡Norwich) c.1400, UK: England: South Yorkshire Province: 77 Rushley Road, Sheffield S17 3EH Téléphone: +44.1142368851, The Open University ©2002
- Professor Emeritus Jeffrey G. Barlow Ph.D (1942–), The Ninth Hell, USA: Oregon State: Pacific University: Matshushita Center for Electronic Learning, 2043 College Way, Forest Grove, OR 97116. Téléphone: +1-877-722-8648, +1-503-352-6+1-503-352-1465 ©1999-2000
- Stéphanie Mondor, Liquid Jade: The Origins of Tea, Canada: Québec Province: Centre dhistoire de Montréal: 335 Place d’Youville, Station Place-d’Armes ou Square-Victoria, Montréal H2Y 3T1, Téléphone: +1-514-872-3207 ©1996
- Brian Walsh & David White, New Tara Glossary [Airmid, Bealtaine, Bile, Dan, Donnotaurus], Canada: Ontario Province: New Tara, 1005–48 Isabella St., Toronto M4Y2P7, Téléphone:+1-416-657-2220 ©2002
- Séumas MacManus (1869–1960), 1st wife Anna Isabel Johnston “Ethna Carbery” (1866–1902) Shan Van Vocht ©1896–1899, 2nd wife Catalina Violante Páez, granddaughter of General José Antonio Páez Herrera de Mendoza Xaimes Aguero, 1st president of Venezuela
- Séumas MacManus (1869–1960), Hibernian Nights Illustrated by Paul E. Kennedy (1929–), American Library Association Notable Book 1963, The 3 Golden Eggs, The Adventures of Ciad, Queen O the Tinkers [Fiona & Don], The Well o’the World’s End [Tír Uaine], The Snow, The Crow & the Blood, [Other stories in there: The Son of Strength, The Tinker of Tamlacht, The King Who was a Gentleman, Nanny & Conn, The Knight of the Glen’s Steed o’ Bells, The Wee Red Man, Prince Finn the Fair, Jack & the Lord High Mayor, Nidden & Didden & Donal Beg O’Neary, The Sword of Light, The Will of the Wise Man, The Wonders of the 3 Donals, The 3 Tasks, The Bold Heroes of Hungry Hill, The Day of the Scholars, The Widow’s Daughter, Donal O’Donnell’s Standing Army], USA: New York State: Macmillan Company ©1963. ISBN: 0-027-62090-5
- Seamus MacManus (1869–1960), Donegal Fairy Stories, The Bee, the Harp, the Mouse & the Bum-Clock, Conal & Donal & Taig, The Old Hag’s Long Leather Bag ©1900. Dover Reprint: 0–486-21971-2
- Chris Brantley, Adjunct Professor of Law, The Ghael Gazeteer [Morcoc], USA: Maryland State: Silver Spring, MD ©December 28, 1997
- At the Edge Magazine Sponsored by Heart of Albion Press, Bob Trubshaw, Otherworld Cattle, Hilda Ellis-Davidson, Biographer of Katherine Mary Briggs, Hollow Hills, Jeremy Harte, Pagan survivals in Dunstable, Frank E. Earp & David Clarke, Peakland spooklights, UK: SW England: County Wiltshire: Indigo Group UK: 113 High Street, Avebury, Marlborough SN8 1RF. Téléphone: +44 (0)1672 539077 ©October 1998.
- Emma Mary Thomas Marie Trevelyan (1853–1922), Folk-lore & Folk-stories of Wales by Marie Trevelyan Author of Glimpses of Welsh Life & Character, From Snowdon to the Sea, The Land of Arthur, Britain’s Greatness Foretold, etc. Introduction by E. Sidney Hartland, F.S.A, Chapters 1, 8, 16, UK: England: John Hogg Publishers: Elliot Stock ©1909
- Alexander Mac Bain (1855–1907), An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, UK: Scotland: Strathclyde: County Edinburghshire/Mid-Lothian: Clark Constable, Edinburgh ©1911, Reprint: Gairm Publications, 29 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BZP ©1982. ISBN 0-901-77168-6
- Malcolm MacFarlane (1853–1931), The School Gaelic Dictionary Prepared for the use of learners of the Gaelic language, UK: England: Stirling: Eneas MacKay Bookseller ©1912.
- Douglas C. Fargher, Fockleyr Gaelg - Baarle, UK: Douglas, Isle of Man: Shearwater Press, ©1979. ISBN 0–904-98023-5
- John T. McCranie & Caoimhín P. Donnaíle, Gramadach Lexicon, USA: California State: San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA ©1995
- Jean-Marc Bélot, Archeo-astronomie en Alsace (Adobe® PDF), France: Alsace Region: University of Strasbourg: 7 rue Fortier 60800 Crepy-en-Valois ©2002
- Padraig Colum (1881–1972), The King of Irelands Son, Illustrations & decorations by Willy Pogány (1882–1955), (Hungarian pronunciation: PO–gahn), To Madame La Comtesse de Sallier du Pin because of her interest in these stories of Ireland & because of her kinship with the Discoverer of Celtic Romance, Hersart de La Villamarqué of Brittany, Sacred-Texts, Fedelma, The Enchanter’s Daughter, The Story of the Cloud-Woman. When the King of the Cats came to King Connal’s Dominion, The Sword of Light & the Unique Tale, with as much of the adventures of Gilly of the Goat-Skin as is given in ‘The Craneskin Book’, The Town of the Red Castle, The House of Crom Duv: The Story of the Fairy Rowan Tree, To the memory of Beatrice Cassidy Colum, USA: New York State: Henry Holt & Company ©1916
- Nora Kershaw Chadwick (1891–1972), An Early Irish Reader: Index of Proper Names, UK: England: County Cambridgeshire: Cambridge University Press, The Press Syndicate, William Pitt the Younger Building, Cambridge City Centre ©1916 (est.1583 with Printer Thomas Thomas. “In those days, the Stationers’ Company in London jealously guarded its monopoly of printing. ...John Baskerville became University Printer in the mid-18th century. Production of the finest possible books using his own type–design. ...In 2012 the Press transferred its printing & book production operations to MPG Print Group, ending the tradition of printing by the Press after 428 years. MPG closed the operations in 2013... University Press is exempt from income tax & corporate tax in most countries. 2013 revenue £261.7m”)
- Lady Jane Francesca Agnes Wilde (1821–1896), Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms & Superstitions of Ireland with Sketches of the Irish Past by Lady Wilde Sperenza, author of The Driftwood of Scandinavia etc. etc. to which is appended a chapter on The Ancient Race of Ireland, by the late Sir William Wilde, Sacred-Texts, UK: England: Greater London: Ward & Downey, Covent Garden ©1888
- Ella Young (1867–1956), Celtic Wonder Tales, Retold by Ella Young, Illustrated & Decorated by Maud Gonne (1865–1953), Sacred-Texts, The Earth Shapers [Tír-na-Moe: Land of the Living Heart, turnip, Pooka, Dur da Bla Harp], How the Son of The Gobhaun Saor Shortened the Road [Undry], The Cow of Plenty [Cian apples], The Coming of Lugh [Magh Argetnel, Lia Fail, Moy Myeerhevna: Oidheadh Cloinne Tuireann], Innisfail [Magh Mor, Banba-Eriu-Fiola], The Golden Fly [Ethaun], The Children of Lir [White Children of My Heart, Carraig-na-Ron: Seal Rock], The Luck-Child [Teigue & Ethaun], Conary Mor [Cailb names: Togail Bruidne Da Derga], Ireland: Leinster Province: Dublin: Maunsel & Co. ©1910. USA: New York: Dover Publications Inc: 31 East, 2nd St, Mineola, NY 11501. ISBN: 0–486-28896-X ©1996 [Maud’s autobiography is A Servant of the Queen ©1938. Her villa: Les Mouettes: The Seagulls in Colleville, Normandy. Maud’s daughter with French politician Lucien Millevoye (1850–1918) editor of La Patrie is Iseult Lucille Germaine Gonne (1894–1954), son Georges Silvère (1890–1891). Maud married John MacBride who was executed in 1916. Their son Seán founder of Amnesty International. Gonne co-founded the Transvaal Committee & Inghinidhe na hÉireann: Daughters of Erin: Ireland]
- Bernard Evslin (1922–1993), The Green Hero: Early Adventures of Finn McCool, USA: New York: Athenium-Four Winds Press ©1975, J398.2 ISBN: 978–0-590–07121-50 [Reprint strongly advised: Atheneum est. 1959 by Alfred A. Knopf, Jr. (1919–2009), Simon Michael Bessie (Harpers), Hiram Haydn (Random House), now CBS.]
- Henry Suter, Noms De Lieux De Suisse Romande, Savoie Et Environs: Names of the Localities of Switzerland, Savoy & Neighborhoods, Switzerland: CERN: Conseil Européene pour la Recherche Nucléaire ©October 2002
- E. Elick & L. Merchant, Seanachaidh’s Grove, The Gods & Goddesses of the Celtic Lands, USA: Califonia State: Richard A. Astin, P.O. Box 1233, Glendora 91740–1233 ©1999
- Gayna Andrews, Druid UFO Stones & Mystery, UK: Wales: Editor: Matthew Williams, Truthseekers Review, 25 Upper Canning Street, Ton-Pentre, Mid Glam, S.Wales UK CF41 7HG. Issue 3 ©2001 [The rocking stone: The Common in Pontypridd: In the past it has had various other names such as LOGAN STONE or CARREG SIGLO. It is said to be a copy of the original which stood across the road where the Cottage Hospital now stands. The stone has also been known as MAEN & CELWRN: CAULDRON, & earlier accounts of these types of stones date back to the Phoenician times which predate Christianity.]
- Keith Harrison, Gods, UK: Scotland: Role Playing World.co.uk ©2002
- Virginia Marin, Tir Tairngire, Canada: British Columbia Province: Suite101 Media Inc. 350–1122 Mainland St. Vancouver, BC V6B 5L1 CA ©September 20, 2002 [Every 2 weeks, Linda Casselman presents a new essay on a different area of mythology for Suite 101’s Mythology page – Christopher B. Siren, Myths & Legends]
- Jay Bell, Temple of Manannan Mac Lir, The Tuatha Dé Danann, Germany: Stuttgarter Str. 44, Stuttgart 73734, DE. Telefon: +49.071151878743 ©1997
- Seán ó Tuama (1926–2006) & Thomas Kinsella (1928–), An Duanaire 1600-1900: Poems of the Dispossessed, pg 31-33: Mo-Chean Do Theacht, A Scadáin, Cúirt an Mheán Oíche (only 372 lines), Ireland: Leinster Province: County Dublin: Dolmen Press ©1981, 1985. ISBN: 0–937-70202-. Dolmen Press operated by Liam & Josephine Miller until his death in 1987.
- Christophe Fiat, ... et Danse de Mort, cruauté et simulacre dans Blancheneige France: Webhost: Libertysurf.fr ©2002
- William Sharp (1855–1905) Fiona MacLeod
- William Sharp Fiona MacLeod, The Laughter of Peterkin: A Retelling of Old Tales of the Celtic Underworld, UK: England: London: William Heinemann Ltd. Volume VIII Pocket Edition, First Published ©1897 Bungay, Suffolk: Richard Clay & Sons, Ltd., Pocket Edition ©1927. Webhost: Mary Ann Dobratz, By Sundown Shores ©1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
- William Sharp Fiona MacLeod, The Collected Works of Fiona MacLeod in 7 Volumes, The Silence of Amor: To Esclarmoundo, Rosa Mystica (& roses of autumn), UK: England: Greater London: William Heinemann Ltd., Covent Garden, London, 1919 Uniform Edition 1st Published 1910. New edition 1912 Reprinted 1919, ©1895, 1910.
- E.A Sharp & J. Mathay eds, Lyra Celtica: An Anthology of Representative Celtic Poetry, The Lament of Queen Maev, Land of Hearts Desire, UK: Scotland: County Edinburghshire/Midlothian: Edinburgh: John Grant, First Edition ©1892, Oliver & Boyd LTD. Reprinted ©1932
- William Sharp Fiona MacLeod, The Washer at the Ford: And other Legendary Moralities By Fiona MacLeod, Patrick Geddes & Colleagues UK: Scotland: County Edinburghshire/Midlothian: The Lawnmarket, Edinburgh, Chicago: Stone & Kimball ©May 1896
- Charles Squire, Celtic Myth & Legend, Poetry & Romance With Illustrations in Colour & Monochrome after Paintings by John Henry Frederick Bacon (1868–1914), A.R.A & Other Artists, UK: England: Greater London: The Gresham Publishing Company Limited: 66 Chandos Street Covent Garden, London ©1905, Reprint: Wildside Press ©2003. ISBN: 978–0-809-53153-0, Sacred-Texts Chapter V: The Gaelic Gods & their Stories, Chapter VI: The Gods Arrive, Chapter IX: The War with the Giants, Chapter XI: The Gods in Exile, Chapter XVI: The Gods of the Britains, Chapter XIX: The War of Enchantments, Chapter XX: The Victories of Light Over Darkness
- Charles Perrault (1628–1703), Secretary to King Louis XIV, Histoires ou contes du temps passés avec des moralités, Contes de ma mère l’Oye, Histories or Stories of Times Past with Morals: Stories of Mother Goose. Par le Fils de Monsieur Perreault de lAcadémie Française: By the Son of Mister Perreault of the French Academy ©1697 [Published under his last son’s name Pierre D’Armancourt, Armancourt being the name of a property he bought for him]
- Paul Delarue (1889–1956), ed, The Borzoi Book of French Folktales, The Miller’s 3 Sons [Aine, Triple Fish & The Inn of the Golden Ball], Father Roquelaure [Emilienne], The 3 May Peaches [goddess Arduinna], Ayer Co Pub ©1980. ISBN: 0–405-13309-X
- Le Claire Gowans Alger Sorcha Nic Leadhas (1898–1969), Heather & Broom – Tales of the Scottish Highlands, USA: NY/Chicago/SF: Holt Rinehart, Winston Pub. ©1960. ISBN: 9–606-10412
- Carolyn McVickar Edwards, The StoryTellers Goddess: Tales of the Goddess & Her Wisdom from Around the World, Illustrations by Kathleen Edwards, USA: California State: Harper San Francisco A Division of Harper Collins Publishers ©1991 ISBN: 0–06-250263-8 [Cerridwen: lluminatadeSol.com]
- Jimmy Joe, Timeless Myths, British & Welsh Dieties, Australia ©1999
- Adolygiadau Diweddaraf, Y fagddu, Y Geiriadur Gweol: Geiriadur Cymráeg-Saesneg: Welsh-English Dictionary, UK: Wales: Prifygscol Cymru: The University of Wales, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3HH ©2002 [Prosiect a ddechreuwyd yn 1921 gan Fwrdd Gwybodau Celtaidd Prifysgol Cymru i gynhyrchu’r geiriadur Cymraeg hanesyddol safonol cyntaf. Cyhoeddwyd cyfrol olaf y Geiriadur yn 2002 wedi 82 o flynyddoedd o waith. Mae’r cynllun newydd i ailolygu A–B yn symud ymlaen ar hyn o bryd. A project begun in 1921 by the Board of Celtic Studies of the University of Wales to produce the 1st standard historical Welsh dictionary. The final volume of the Dictionary was published in 2002 after 82 years’ work. The current project to re-edit A–B is in progress.]
- Roger Frey, Guimaëc, Canton de Lanmeur, son origine, ses monuments et sa noblesse: Guimaëc: Lanmeur Canton: It’s origin, its monuments & nobleness, France: Duchy of Brittany: Little Britain-Breizh-Bretagne: Departement du Finistère, Trégor, Bretagne: La ville de Saint Michel en Grève ©2002 URL àge: https://www.ifrance.com/FREY-Roger
- David Nash Ford, Early British Kingdoms [Gaheris, Mordred, Coventina, Selyf, Caddoc, Cado, Sannde, Idris, Aneirin, St. Urith, St. Gwenfrerwy] ©2001 Sources: Agnes Baillie Cunninghame Dunbar (1830–1920), A Dictionary of Saintly Women, UK: England: London: G.Bell ©1904
- Translator: Professor Emeritus D. L. Ashliman, University of Pittsburgh, Jodocus D. H. Temme, Die Volkssagen von Pommern und Rügen no. 38, pp. 65-66: Hertha Lake, Germany: Berlin, In der Nicolaischen Buchhandlung ©1840
- Dan Norder, Cronus: Titan, Reaper, Father Time, Crow? Mythology Web ©1999
- James Scott Spaid, The Gryphon Pages, USA: California State: Petaluma Coast Guard ©2003. Sources: Trans. Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare (1856–1924), Professor of Theology at the University of Oxford, Lucius Flavius Philostratus (170AD–250AD), Life of Apollonius of Tyana (40AD–120AD): The Epistles of Apollonius & the Treatise of Eusebius. Vol. 1, USA: Massachusetts State: Harvard University Press ©1912. ISBN: 0–674-99018-8, Ingeborg Flagge, Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung des Greifen im römischen Totenkult unter Berücksichtigung seiner Herkunft aus dem Osten, Germany: Sankt Augustin: Verlag Hans Richarz ©1975. ISBN: 978–3-921-25507-0.
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- John Rodeo, Shoot Club Profile: Father Time, USA: Illinois State: Shoot Club Role Playing Society, Chicago IL ©2002-–February 2011: Olde URL: https://www.shootclub.com/SC/S/Profile?unitId=6046.
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- Anne Lardeux, Le Moine et la Prêtresse: Une nouvelle fantastique par Anne Lardeux, France: Kimberly Orlando ©Mars 2002
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- Susan Granquist, Lucyfest, The Queen of Lights, Festival of Lights, German Customs, Traditions & Holidays, USA: Washington State: The Irminsul Aettir Organization: 2040 Kirkland PL NE, Renton, WA 98056. Téléphone: +1.4252280986 ©1995
- Tenerelli Massimiliano, Camelot: Female Characters in the Arthurian Court [Birog, Cliton, Esclarimonde, Esmeree, Gargamelle, Ganeida, Gililen, Glitonea, Goroien, Mazoe, Marion, Morganetta, Morgawse, Tyronoe], Italy: Via Pergolesi 2, Milano 20124, MI, IT ©2000. Source: Ludovico Ariosto (1474–1533), Orlando Furioso: Rioso Di Messer Ludovico Ariosto Nobile Ferrare Se Con La Giunta, No, Vissimaente Stam Pato E Correto, Italy: Ed. Garzanti, Milano, XIII edizione ©1992. ISBN: 8-811-51963-2, MDXXXVI
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- Kathryn Price Theatana a.k.a Kathryn Price NicDhàna, Síla na Géige, Sheela na Gig & Sacred Space, SageWoman Magazine Winter 98/99, USA: Oregon State: BBI Media, Inc., Media Coordinator & Owner: Anne Newkirk Niven, P.O. Box 687, Forest Grove, OR 97116. Téléphone: +1-503-430-8817 & +1-888-724-3966, BBI PressKit [The Isle of the Otters © 2000]
- Lugodocs Guide to Malorys Le Morte dArthur, [Sisters: Margawse, Elaine & Morgan le Fay; Urien of Gorre, Colombe, 4 Queens], Sources: Sir Thomas Malory, Member of Parliament for Warwickshire, Le Morte Darthur: The Death of Arthur, UK: England: William Caxton ©1485 MCCCCLXXXV
- Thomas Bullfinch (1796–1867), Bullfinchs Mythology: The Age of Fable or Stories of Gods & Heroes (pop-ups) [011: Titans, 071.html: Vale of Enna, Glaucus & Scylla, 101.html: Pomona=Hamadryad, 133.html; Clytie, 154.html: Alcides=Hercules, 163.html: Bellephron, 224.html: Oceanus & Tethys overthrown by Nereid Amphitrite; Sabrina, 263.html: Agamemnon, 282.html:Menelaus & Helen, 302.html: Ith=Ithaca, 323.html: Sybil, 411.html: The Druids, Beal, Orlando Furioso: Canto 10], USA: Massachusetts State: Boston: Edward Everett Hale Pub ©1855 ISBN:1-587-34082-8
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- Wilhelmina Harper (1884–1973), ed, Easter Chimes: Stories for Easter & the Spring Season, Alice Geer Kelsey: Candles at Midnight, Ivy Bolton: The Golden Egg, USA: New York State: E.P Dutton & Co. Inc. ©1st Edition 1942, 1965 OCLC Number: 1042372
- Anker Eli Petersen (June 7, 1959–), Artist & Translator, Völuspá: The prophecy of the Seeress, Postverk Føroya: Faroese Post Office, Scandinavia-Denmark: Faroe Islands: Original URL: www.tjatsi.fo/show.php?sprog=5144b84d6c79ae59d7c8fccde1946e9e&side=71a574bee77dc7eb0f36603365cdff81 ©2002
- Professor Bret Wallach, The Great Mirror: an Introduction to Human Geography [Tethys, Danube], USA: Oklahoma State: University of Oklahoma Dept. of Geography, Sarkeys Energy Center, Room 650, 100 E Boyd St, Norman, OK ©2002.
- Pierre DuBois (1945–), The Great Encyclopedia of Faeries: Secrets Revealed by Pierre Dubois, Illustrated by Claudine & Roland Sabatier, USA: New York State: Simon & Shuster, Rockefeller Center 1230 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY 10020. English Translation: French Embassy. London-Pavilion Books Ltd ©1999. ISBN: 0-684-86957-8. Originally published in France as La Grande Encyclopédie des Fées, Illustrations de Claudine & Roland Sabatier, Paris: Éditions Hoëbeke ©1996. ISBN: 2-84230-014-9
- Melinda Reese, 13 Treasures Study Course: The Welsh Family of Gods, [Beli, Math, Nudd, Gwydion, Arthur], Church of the Y Tylwyth Teg, USA: Georgia State: P.O. Box 674884, Marietta 30006-0006: Dancing Spirit Web Creations ©1997
- Heritage Section, St. Gobnait, Ireland: Munster Province: Diocese of Kerry, Diocesan Office, Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland. Téléphone: +33-(064) 31168 Facsimile: +33-(064) 31364
- John Cameron, The Gaelic names of plants (Scottish & Irish) Collected & arranged in scientific order, with notes on their etymology, their uses, plant superstitions, etc., among the Celts, with copious Gaelic, English & scientific indices [eòrna, òrna, coll, càlltuinn, càlldainn, cailtin, colluinn], UK: Scotland: Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood & Sons Pub. ©1883
- Alan Garner, OBE (1934–), Alan Garners Book of British Fairy Tales, Jack & the Green Lady, Mally Whuppy, Yallery Brown, The Black Bull of Norroway, Mossycoat, The Black Horse, Gold Tree & Silver Tree, USA: New York State: Delacourt Press ©1984. ISBN: 0–385-29425-5
- May Hill Arbuthnot (1884–1969), Time for Fairy Tales, USA: lllinois State: Scott, Foresman & Company, Glenview IL ©1961. LCCN: 615726. Sources: Flora Annie Steel, English Fairy Tales, The Black Bull of Norroway, 16 colour plates, 43 line by Arthur Rackham (1867–1939), UK: England: London: Macmillan & Company LTD ©1918, Barbara Ker Wilson, Scottish Folk-Tales & Legends, Whippety Stourie, USA: New York State: Henry Z. Walck, Inc.
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- Winter Garcia, The Golden Falcon, UK: British Public Records Office ©2002
- Michael Harding (1944–), A Little Book of the Green Man, UK: England: London: The Quarto Group® (LSE: QRT) Aurum Press: 74–77 White Lion St, N1 9PF, Téléphone: 0207 284 9300 ©1998. ISBN: 1-854-10563-9
- John Rhys (1840–1915) M.A., D. Litt., Celtic Folklore Welsh & Manx, Sacred-Texts, Chapter I: Undines Kymric Sisters [berwi=boiling, Byrhonddu=Brecon, cwmshurwr=conjurer, Llyn y Forwyn: morwyn= maiden, damsel. bwl=bull tarw=bull, dafad=sheep, Belisama], Chapter III: Fairy Ways & Words [Tregaer Anrheg: Caer Arianrhod, gylfin-hir=curlew, Marchlyn Mawr, cadarns plural=cedyrn, Hagman-heigh=hogamanay], Chapter VI: The Folklore of Wells [Seithenhin= Setanta=Setanti], Chapter VII: Triumphs of the Water-World [ILyn Tegid=ILyn Aerfen, Nefydd=Nemed=Neptune, Crom=Crymlyn: Crooked Lake], Chapter IX: Place-Name Stories [twrch, ban=boar stuff, athgein=rebirth, genetive Lugh=Loga], Notes & Corrections [plural of bodach glas=bodachod gIension, Cymmrodor, ix- 170, Beli son of Anna, Welsh Elucidarium, p. 27, belim vab anna, Cambro-British Saints, p. 82, Anna . . . genuit Beli], UK: England: Oxford University Press ©1901
- Kisma K. Stepanich–Reidling (1958–), Faery Faith: Sacred Trees, USA: California, Newport Beach. Sources: Dindshenchas: Lore of Places ©2000. www.faeryfaith.org [Class of onomastic text recounting the origins of place-names & traditions structured as a mnemonic aid for the education of the élite. The corpus comprises 176 poems (poetic or metrical dindsenchas) + prose tales (prose dindsenchas) contained in the Book of Leinster, the Book of the Dun Cow, the Rennes Manuscript, the Book of Ballymote, the Great Book of Lecan, the Yellow Book of Lecan & 8 different manuscripts.]
- Maura McHugh, Trees: Teachers & Guardians (archived), Ireland ©1998-2001. Sources: Edward Lhuyd (1660–1709), Llyfr Taliesin: Book of Taliesin, Wales: National Library of Wales: Peniarth MS 2 ©1273, Olde URL: Indigo.ie/~imago/
- Reverend Dr. Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, L.L.D (1810–1897) & Ellen Maria Elizabeth “Nellie” Cobham Brewer Hayman ed (daughter), Bibliomania Ltd: Brewers Readers Guide a.k.a The reader’s handbook of famous names in fiction, allusions, references, proverbs, plots, stories & poems [Albania, Albert, All-Fair, Ariana, Arthur, Astynomê, Atropos, Baal, Ban, Bear, Belle, Belen, bell toll, Brecan, Blanceflor, Britain, Gallicenæ, Gaule, Gerons, Gretchen, Grimalkin, Gwenhidwy, Gyneth, Helena, Inisfail, Inis-Thona, Inisthore, Inogen, Irena, Isoud, Jack-o-lantern, Lancelot, Land of Promise, Loup Garou, Lud, Mauthe], UK: England: Anglia: County Nottinghamshire: Sherwood Forest: Edwinstowe Vicarage, Newark, Publisher: London: Chatto & Windus ©1898.
- Rayne Thorne, Glory of the Maiden [Andromeda, Mab], White Wolf Publishing, Inc., Vampire the Masquerade Role-Playing Game ©2000: Olde URL: www.atyukki.tzo.com/jclose/
- Andrew Charles, Les Immortelles: A Chronicle of Redemption [Cristant], Terminus Publishing Company: Tripod Internet Service Provider ©2000
- John Bonsing, Caer Australis: The River & the Well [Eridanus], Australia: Caer Australis, John Bonsing & Scott Rhys Jones, P.O. Box 590 Randwick NSW 2031 ©2002. Sources: (1) Eds. Boardman, John, Griffin, Jasper & Murray, Oswyn. The Oxford History of the Classical World. UK: England: Oxford University Press ©1986. (2) Cremin, Aedeen. The Celts in Europe. Centre for Celtic Studies, Australia: University of Sydney ©1992. ISBN 0-86758-624-9 (3) Dillon, Myles & Chadwick, Nora Kershaw CBE (1891–1972), The Celtic Realms. UK: England: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, London ©1967. (4) Delaney, Frank (1942–). Legends of the Celts. UK: England: Hodder & Stoughton, London ©1989. (5) Gantz, Jeffrey, The Mabinogion, Translated with an Introduction. UK: England: Penguin, London ©1976. (6) Mallory, Professor Emeritus James Patrick (1945–). In Search of the Indo-Europeans. Language, Archaeology & Myth. UK: England: Thames & Hudson, London ©1989. ISBN 0-500-27616-1 (7) Transl. Rawlinson, Reverend Canon George (1812–1902). The History of Herodotus. In: Hutchins, Robert Maynerd. Great Books of the Western World. Encyclpædia Britannica, USA: Illinois: Chicago ©1952
- Michel Lejeune (1907–2000) & Léon Fleuriot (1925–1987), Le plomb magique du Larzac et les sorcières gauloises: The Magic Fuse of Larzac & The Gaulish Sorceresses, France: Region Parisienne: Ed. du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris ©1985, ISBN: 2–222-03667-4. Originally Published in Les études celtiques; v. 22.
- Mike Nichols, Lughnasad/Lammas, USA: Massachusetts State: Tricia M. Smith: 1370 Broadway #12A, Somerville ©1988
- Ellen Evert Hopman M. Ed Mental Health Counseling (1952–), Lughnasad Rite [Sassana: English prayer], USA: Massachusetts State: Ord na Darach Gile: White Oak Druid: P.O. Box 219, Amherst 01004 ©1999.
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- Parisiana–The Lovers Guide to Paris, Hôtel de Cluny: Medieval Arts, USA: California State: 3200 San Carlos Way, Sacramento 75817. Téléphone: +1-916-731-7137 ©Thursday Sept 25, 2003
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- Mrs. Anna Eliza Bray (1790–1883), A Peep at the Pixies, or Legends of the West, Author of The Borders of the Tamar & the Tavy, The Life of Stothard, Trelawny, Trials of Domestic Life, Etc. Etc. Etc, with illustrations by Hablot Knight Browne (1815–1882), Sacred-Texts: The 3 Trials, The 7 Crosses of Tiverton [Mabel, Margaret, Alice, Isabel, Fidelma, Catherine, Brigid], The Lady of the Silver Bell [Sabrina], UK: England: Saint Pauls Churchyard, London: Grant & Griffith, Successors to Newberry & Harris ©M.DCCC.LIV.1854
- Classe de Louiselle, La fête de Sainte Catherine: The Festival of Saint Catherine, Canada: Québec Province: École Les Moussaillons Saint Honoré de Témiscouata, Les fêtes en tête ©2001
- Suzanna Duffy, The Christmas Hag, USA: New York Times About.com: All Info About Myths & Legends ©2003
- Norma Lorre Goodrich (1917–2006), King Arthur, pgs 26, 32-3, 109, 115, Canada: Ontario Province: Franklin Watts Press, Toronto ©1986. ISBN: 0-531-09701-3
- Gail E. Haley (1939–), The Green Man, USA: New York State: Charles Scribner (1821–1871) & Sons [Parent Co: CBS® Simon & Schuster]: 597 Fifth Avenue, New York City ©1980. ISBN: 978–0-929-94400-5
- Le Royaume du Ayla: Le Druidisme: Tout ce que vous voulez savoir en un seule click, The Kingdom of Ayla: Druidism: All that you want to know in a single click, France: Lycos (now MultiMania) ©2001
- Genry Joil & Chris Bennet, The Scythians, Ukraine: Mihail V Shapochkin, Tarashanskaya 161, ap. 75, Belaya Tserkov, Kiev Oblast 09106 UA. Téléphone: +38.067957218 ©2001, Sources: Ernest Abel, Marihuana, the 1st 12,000 Years, UK: Encyclopædia Brittanica, Frederick Thomas Elworthy (1830–1907), The Evil Eye, UK: London: John Murray ©1895, Janet & Stewart Farrar (1916–2000), The Witches Goddess, USA: Washington: Phoenix Publishing ©1987.
- Sergei V. Rjabchikov (1962–), On the Sarmatian Feast Kolyda [Tabiti], Russia: 1/39 Krasnoarmeiskaya Street,
350063 Krasnodar, Russia: The Slavonic Antiquity Home Page ©2001 Sources: Chistov, K.V. & B.E. Chistova (eds.), 1984 Russkaya narodnaya poeziya. Obryadovaya poeziya, Leningrad: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, Drachuk, V.S., ©1975. Sistemy znakov Severnogo Prichernomorya. Kiev: Naukova dumka, Melyukova, A.I., ©1964. Vooruzhenie skifov. Arkheologiya SSSR. Svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov. Vol. D1-4. Moscow: Nauka, Onayko, N.A., ©1970. Raskopki poseleniya na Maloy zemle. Kratkie soobshcheniya Instituta Arkheologii AN SSSR, 124. Severnoe Prichernomore v skifo-sarmatskoe vremya. Moscow: Nauka, pp. 73-80, Rjabchikov, S.V. ©2001. The Scythian & Sarmatian Sources of the Russian Mythology & Fairy-Tales, AnthroGlobe Journal: Rybakov, B.A., ©1987. Yazychestvo Drevney Rusi. Moscow: Nauka, Shilov, Y.A., ©1995. Prarodina ariev: Istoriya, obryady i mify. Kiev: SINTO, Tulceva, L.A., ©1997. Antropokosmicheskie vozzreniya russkikh krestyan: den Spiridona-povorota. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 5: 89-101
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- Yvette Auméron, conservateur à la Bibliothèque universitaire de Bron où Universitaire de Lyon-II: Curator at the University Library of Bron [Teardrop], Lyon-II University, L’Aguitaine: Lughdunum Convenarum: Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges, La Ville de Glanum à Saint-Rémy-de-Provence: Aquitaine [Water-Place]: Raven-Fortress: The Village of Glanum [Serpent’s Egg] at Saint-Rémy (Bishop 437AD–533AD)-of-Provence, [MATREBO GLANEIKABO BRATOU DEKANTEN: ‘To the mother-goddesses of Glanum, [X gave] a tithe in gratitude’], CyberCeltes, France: Provence Province: Lyon City: Université Lumière Lyon 2, 86 rue Pasteur 69007 Lyon, FR Accessed ©2008
- Gàidhlig eGroup, Celtic Dieties & Mythological Legendary Beings, [Aine, An Dris, Crócnach, Còrr-Dùileag, Gèadh-duine: Gwydion, Lòchran: Lugh, Teallsanach: Taliesin, Tàirneanaiche: Taranis, Teutates: Tuath-dia], Canada: www.Nuit.ca ©2004
- Dr. Deborah I. Vess, Professor of History & Interdisciplinary Studies, Celtic Monasticism – History & Spirituality, USA: Georgia: Georgia College & State University ©1999. Sources: Codex Kilkenniensis [St. Kevin]
- James Lewis Thomas Chalmbers Spence, F.R.A.L (1874–1955), Author of Hero Tales & Legends of the Rhine, A Dictionary of Medieval Romance & Romance Writers, The Myths of Mexico & Peru, Etc, etc, Legends & Romances of Brittany, with Thirty-Two Illustrations by William Otway Cannell A.R.C.A (1883–1969), London, New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company Publishers ©1917, Sacred-Texts Chapter III: The Faeries of Brittany [pg 57: Korrigans, pg 58: Vivian-Joyous Garden], Chapter VI: Breton Folktales [pg 156: Gwennolaïk], Chapter VII: Popular Legends of Brittany [pg 190: Comore the Cursed: Trephina], Chapter X: Arthurian Romance in Brittany [pg 282: Avalon], Chapter XIII: Costumes & Customs of Brittany [p 372: St Bridget], Sources: Émile Ernault (1852–1938), Petite Grammaire bretonne avec des notions sur l’histoire de la langue et sur la versification, France: Saint-Brieuc: Lithographer René Prud’homme ©1897, L’Abbeé L. Le Clerc, Grammaire bretonne du dialecte de Tréguier, France: Saint-Brieuc: Imprimerie-Librairie de René Prud’homme ©1908, J. Percy Treasure, An Introduction to Breton Grammar: Designed Chiefly for those Celts & Others in Great Britain who desire a Literary Acquaintance through the English language, with their Relatives & Neighbours in Little Britain, Wales: Carmarthen: William Spurrell & Son ©1903, Auguste Guillevic (–1890), Émile Ernault & Pierre Le Goff, Grammaire bretonne du Dialect de Vannes, France: Vannes: Librairie Lafoyle Frères ©1902, Théodore Claude Henri, Vicomte Hersart de la Villemarqué (1815–1895: Castle Keransker, Quimperlé), Le Barzaz-Breiz: Chants populaires de la Bretagne, recueillis et publiés avec une traduction française, des éclaircissements, des notes et les mélodies originales par Th. de La Villemarqué, Bards of Brittany: Popular Songs of Brittany collected & published with a French translation, clarification, notes & original melodies, France: Paris: Éditions Delloy ©1839, Reprint: Academic Library Perrin ©1861, Myrdhinn, ou l Enchanteur Merlin son histoire, ses ceuvres, son influence, France: Paris: Librairie Acadèmique Didier et cie Libraires-Éditeurs, 55 Quay de Augustins ©1862, John Arnott MacCulloch, The Religion of the Ancient Celts, p. 116, 122, UK: Scotland: County Edinburghshire/Midlothian: Edinburgh ©1911 ISBN: 978–0486427652, David MacRitchie (1851–1925), Fians, Fairies, & Picts, UK: England: London: Paul Kegan, Trench, Trübner & Co. Ltd., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road ©1893, Karl Joseph Simrock (1802–1876), Handbuch der deutschen Mythologie mit Einschluß der Nordischen: Handbook of German Mythology with inclusion of Nordic, Germany: Bonn ©1853-1855 ISBN: 978–3-846016411, Paul Sébillot (1843–1918), Painter at the Paris Salon, Dîners de ma Mère l’Oye: Diners of My Mother Goose Society, Contes populaires de la Haute-Bretagne: Popular Tales of Upper Brittany, France: Paris: Gustave Charpentier ©1880, Spence, Le Roi dYs & other Poems, UK: England: London: Elkin, Mathews Vigo St. W. ©1910, Émile Souvestre (1806–1854), Derniers Bretons: Latest Britons, 4 vols, France: Paris: Michel Lévy Frères Publishers, Rue Vivienne 2 bis, et Boulevard des Italiens ©1835–1837 ISBN: 978–1-230742878 & Un Philosophe sous les Toits: journal dun homme heureux: A Philosopher by Roofs: Diary of a happy man ©1851, ©1890.
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- Robin Lister, The Legend of King Arthur, Illustrated by Alan Baker (1951–), USA: Doubleday ©1988. ISBN: 0–385-26369-4
- Raymond’s County Down Website: Newcastle, UK: Scotland: County Lanarkshire: Keith Black: 1st Plan IT, Cairney Cottage Church Road, Bonkle ML2 9QG. Téléphone: +44.01698383880
- Joseph Jacobs (1854–1916), Secretary of the Society of Hebrew Literature, Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica: A Bibliographical Guide to Anglo-Jewish History, Jewish Historical Society of England ©1888, Fables of Bidpai ©1888, Fables of Aesop ©1889, Studies in Jewish Statistics ©1892, The Jews of Angevin England ©1893, Studies in Biblical Archaeology ©1894, An Inquiry into the Sources of the History of the Jews in Spain ©1894, Jewish Encyclopædia ©1906, Editor of American Hebrew ©1906, Indian Fairy Tales ©1912, European Folk & Fairy Tales ©1916
- Joseph Jacobs (1854–1916), More English Fairy Tales, llustrations by John Dickson Batten (1860–1932), UK: England: London: David Nutt ©1894, Habetrot & Scantlie Mab, The Hobyahs, Hereafterthis, The Golden Ball, My Own Self [Yorkshire], Black Bull of Norroway, Yallery Brown [Midlands], 3 Feathers, Sir Gammer Vans, Tom Hickathrift [Anglia], Pedlar of Swaffham, The Hedley Kow [Yorkshire], Gobborn Seer, Lawkamercyme, Tattercoats, The Wee Bannock, Johnny Gloke, Coat o’ Clay, 3 Cows, Blinded Giant, Scrapefoot The Old Witch, The 3 Wishes, Claddedigaith y Lleuad: The Buried Moon, A Son of Adam, The Children in the Wood, A Pottle o’ Brains, The King of England & his 3 Sons, King John & the Abbot of Canterbury, Rushen Coatie, The King o’ the Cats, Tamlane, The Stars in the Sky, Puddock, Mousie & Ratton, The Little Bull-Calf, The Wee, Wee Mannie, Old Mother Wiggle-Waggle, Catskin, Stupid’s Cries, The Lambton Worm [Yorkshire], The Wise Men of Gotham, Princess of Canterbury.
- Joseph Jacobs (1854–1916), English Fairy Tales, Illustrations by John Dickson Batten (1860–1932), ©1890, Tom Tit Tot, The 3 Sillies, The Rose-Tree, The Old Woman & Her Pig, How Jack Went to Seek his Fortune, Mr. Vinegar, Nix Nought Nothing, Jack Hannaford, Binnorie, Mouse & Mouser, Cap O’Rushes, Teeny-Tiny, Jack & the Beanstalk, The Story of the 3 Little Pigs, The Master & His Pupil, Titty Mouse & Tatty Mouse, Jack & His Golden Snuff-Box, Story of the 3 Bears, Jack the Giant Killer, Henny-Penny, Childe Rowland, Molly Whuppie, The Red Ettin [Joseph Jacobs collected a version with 3 men, but suppressed 1. Andrew Lang, Blue Fairy Book, included all 3 young men], The Golden Arm, History of Tom Thumb, Mr. Fox, Lazy Jack, Johnny-Cake, Earl Mar’s Daughter, Mr. Miacca, Whittington & His Cat, The Strange Visitor, The Laidly Worm of Spindleston Heugh [Yorkshire], The Cat & the Mouse, The Fish & the Ring, The Magpie’s Nest, Kate Crackernuts, Cauld Lad of Hilton [Yorkshire], The Ass, Table & the Stick, Fairy Ointment, Well of the World’s End, Master of all Masters, 3 Heads of the Well
- Joseph Jacobs (1854–1916), Celtic Fairy Tales, Illustrations by John Dickson Batten (1860–1932), UK: London: David Nutt ©1892. List of Tales: Connla & the Fairy Maiden, Guleesh, The Field of Boliauns, The Horned Women, Conall Yellowclaw, Hudden & Dudden & Donald O’Neary, The Shepherd of Myddvai, The Sprightly Tailor, The Story of Deirdre, Munachar & Manachar, Gold-Tree & Silver-Tree, King O’Toole & his Goose, The Wooing of Olwen, Jack & his Comrades, The Shee An Gannon & the Gruagach Gaire, The Story-Teller at Fault, The Sea-Maiden, A Legend of Knockmany, Fair, Brown & Trembling, Jack & his Master, Beth Gellert, The Tale of Ivan, Andrew Coffey, The Battle of the Birds, Brewery of Eggshells, The Lad with the Goat-Skin, USA Dover Reprint Edition ISBN: 0–486-21286-0
- Joseph Jacobs (1854–1916), More Celtic Fairy Tales, Illustrations by John Dickson Batten (1860–1932), UK: London: David Nutt ©1894, List of tales: The Fate of the Children of Lir, Jack the Cunning Thief, Powel, Prince of Dyfed, Paddy O’Kelly & the Weasel, The Black Horse, The Vision of MacConglinney, Dream of Owen O’Mulready, Morraha, Story of the McAndrew Family, The Farmer of Liddesdale, The Greek Princess & the Young Gardener, The Russet Dog, Smallhead & the King’s Sons, Legend of Knockgrafton, Elidore, The Leeching of Kayn’s leg, How Finn went to the Kingdom of the Big Men, How Cormac Mac Art went to Faery, The Ridere of Riddles, The Tail. USA: Dover Reprint Edition ISBN: 0-486-21827-9
- Joseph Jacobs (1854–1916), The Book of Wonder Voyages Illustrated by John Dickson Batten (1860–1932), UK: London: David Nutt ©1896
- Lady Elsie Rosaline Masson (1890–1935), Folktales of Brittany, edited by Amena Pendelton with Drawings by Thornton Oakley (1881–1953), Sacred-Texts, The Castle of Comorre [Tréphine], Princess Ahez & the Lost City [Gralon-Dahut], The Country Bumpkin & the Hobgoblin, USA: Pennsylvania State: Philadelphia: Macrae Smith Company ©1929. Sources: Oral tradition of Barzaz-Breiz: unpublished, Monsieur lAbbé François Cadic (1864–1929), Contes et Légendes de Bretagne: Tales & Legends of Brittany, France: Paris, Maison du Peuple Breton, Hennebont, Imprimerie Ch. Norman ©1914 & Nouveaux Contes et Légendes: New Tales & Legends, France: Paris, Maison du Peuple Breton ©1925, léglise royale et collégiale de Saint-Brieuc, Pontivy, Morbihan, France
- Thomas William Hazen Rolleston (1857–1920), Member of the Rhymers’ Club, Myths & Legends of the Celtic Race by T.W. Rolleston Author of The High Deeds of Finn, Parallel Paths, A Study in Biology Ethics & Art, The Teaching of Epictetus, A Life of Lessing Etc; Co-editor with the Rev. Stofford A. Brooks of A Treasury of Irish Poetry, with Forty-Six Full-Page Illustrations, Sacred-Texts [Magh-meala, Cliodhna], London-Calcutta-Sydney: George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd ©1911 Reprint: Kessinger Publishing ©2003. ISBN: 0–766-14847-5
- Reverend James Wood, Holy Coat of Trèves, The Nuttall Encyclopædia: Being a Concise & Comprehensive Dictionary of General Knowledge, UK: England: London: Frederick Warne & Co Ltd. ©1907
- George Lincoln Burr ed (1857–1938), Cornell University Rare Books Librarian 1880–1922, The Witch Persecution at Trier in Translations & Reprints from the Original Sources of European History, 6 vols, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 13-18, USA: University of Pennsylvania History Department: Philadelphia, ©1898-1912 Sources: Hontheims Historia Trevirensis diplomatica (iii, p. 170), Wyttenbach und Mullers ed. Gesta Trevirorum
- Danny Wall, Otherworld Avalon, The Unofficial Handbook of the Marvel Comics Universe, USA: Florida State: Jeff Christiansen, 650 Anderson Court, Satellite Beach 32937 ©2009. [Midir, Crom, Dubh, Arawn, Momur = Magh Mhòr]
- Martha Senn Rubenstein, The Land of Enchantment [Tegaus snake encounter], USA: Salem, Massachusetts: Tegaueurvron.com ©2006.
- Mainchin Seoighe, Portrait of Limerick [St Ida-Kilmeedy=Medb, St Cecilia=Sheila, An Gorta Mór, Cill Colman], Ireland: Munster Province: West County Limerick: As Dúchas Dóchas: Beloved Element, Limerick County Council & Limerick County Library Service Registered Charity: CHY1114 ©2004.
- Samuel Lewis (1782–1865), Monkstown, Cóbh Corc: Cork Harbor (archived), A Topographical Directory of Ireland, Comprising Several Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Corporate, Market, & Post Towns. Parishes, & Villages, with Historical & Statistical Descriptions; Embellished with Engravings of The Arms of the Cities, Bishopricks, Corporate Towns, & Boroughs; of the Seals of The Several Municipal Corporations: Appendix, Describing The Electoral Boundaries of The Several Boroughs, As Defined by The Act of the 2d & 3d of William IV, In Two Volumes, UK: London: Published By S. Lewis & Co. 87, Aldersgate Street. ©MDCCCXXXVII 1837 Reprint: ISBN: 1-84630-000-2
- Tom Sharples, The Song of Taliesin: Seeking the Elohim Grail, Red Dragon [Amaethons Caer Emrys], White Dragon [Brân=White Dragon, Gwendydd=Ganeida=Gwawr, Ana=Green Dragon, Sinan=Shannon, Sétanta=Merlin], Webdesign: Jay Rufus, The WebWizards at The Plug-in Office® Cullen, Tipperary, Ireland ©2001. Sources: Robert Graves (1895–1985), The White Goddess, His interpretations of Cath Goddeau & Tain Bo Cuailgne, Faber ©1952
- Ruth Manning-Sanders (1886–1988), wife of English artist George Sanders & author of Peter & the Piskies: Cornish Fairy Tales ©1958, Red Indian Folk & Fairy Tales ©1960, The Red King & the Witch: Gypsy Folk & Fairy Tales ©1964, Damian & the Dragon: Modern Greek Folk-Tales ©1965, The Glass Man & the Golden Bird: Hungarian Folk & Fairy Tales ©1968, Jonnikin & the Flying Basket: French Folk & Fairy Tales ©1969, & Scottish Folk Tales ©1976. A Book of Series: Dwarfs ©1963, Dragons ©1964, Witches ©1965, Wizards ©1966, Mermaids ©1967, Ghosts & Goblins ©1968, Princes & Princesses ©1969, Magical Beasts ©1970, Devils & Demons ©1970, Charms & Changelings ©1971, Ogres & Trolls ©1972, Sorcerers & Spells ©1973, Magic Animals ©1974, Monsters ©1975, Enchantments & Curses, Kings & Queens ©1977, Marvels & Magic ©1978, Spooks & Spectres ©1979, Cats & Creatures ©1981, Heroes & Heroines ©1982, Magic Horses ©1984.
- A Book of Giants, Illustrated by Robin Jacques (1920–1995), Jack the Giant-Killer, Jack & the Beanstalk, Sneezy Snatcher & Sammy Small, United Kingdom: Methuen & Co. Ltd. ©1962
- Louise Gherasim, Born to be Great, Romania: Grupal Editorial Musatinii Bucovina viitoare: Suceava, str Tipografei nr 1, Téléphone: 523640 221656 ©2000. ISBN: 973-99092-7-2. Author: 16470 SW Wood Pl, Tigard, Oregon, USA Téléphone: +1-503-950-2410 [Lugh=Duach, Fergus=Sualdaim, Land of the Living. My book is cut off at page 100 so I have not finished it.]
- World Book Encyclopedia Macintosh OS X Version, Ukraine: MacKiev Software ©2001
- Mushroom, Sally E. Gochenaur, Ph.D., Former Professor of Biology, Adelphi University
- Puck or Robin Goodfellow, Ellen J. Stekert, Ph.D, Professor of English, American Studies, & Folklore, University of Minnesota
- Dr. Roberta Teague Herrin, Journey Through Fantasy: A Resource Guide for Teachers Vol I, Archived by Tina Hanlon, Gracey Toney Edwards: Wondertales in Appalachia, Jack & the Fire Dragon, The Endless Tale, Jack & the Sop Doll, Jack & the Northwest Wind, USA: Applit: James Taylor Addams Collection: BRI: Blue Ridge Institute & Museum: The State Center for Blue Ridge Folklore, Ferrum College, P.O. Box 1000, 20 Museum Drive, Ferrum, Virginia 24088 & East Tennesee State University ©1988-1989
- Eleanor Walsh, Angela Walsh, Kathy Walsh, Cathy Healey, Michelle McDonald, Trees of Ireland Project, Ireland Online: Leinster Province: County Kilkenny: Carrigeen Primary School, Carrigeen via Waterford, Principal: Eamon Donovan. Téléphone: 53 51 895423. Accessed ©2008
- Reverend Geoffrey Keating (1569–1644), An Athae Seathrun Ceitnra Ollamh Re Diadhachta: The History of Ireland, by the Reverend Geoffrey Keating, DD, Translated from the Original Gaelic, & Copiously Annotated, by John O’Mahony with a Map Showing the Location of the Ancient Clans & A Topographical Appendix, Non immorito bœc insula Offygia, id est, perantiqua a Plutarcho a profondissima o nim antiquatis memoria historias suas auspicantur, adoo ut prae illis omnisatnnnium gentium intiquitas sit novitas et quoaammodo infantia, [pg 118: Sen Magh], Publisher: James B. Kirker Camden & Brother, 599 Broadway, Up-Stairs, 33TJ3STIG-A.TST ©1866.
- Arthur Herbert Leahy (1857–1928), Professor of Mathematics, Late Fellow of Pembroke College, , Heroic Romances of Ireland Translated Into English Prose & Verse, With Preface, Special Introductions & Notes, In 2 Volumes, Illustrations by Caroline Watts, Sacred-Texts, Vol I & Vol. II, Printed in Green & Black at the Ballantyne Press ©1902, UK: England: London: David Nutt, At the Sign of the Phœnix, 57-59 Long Acre ©1905. Project Gutenberg EBook #5679, Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation, PMB 113, 1739 University Ave., Oxford, MS 38655–4109 ©2004
- Bulletin des Lois du Royaume de France, 8. Série. Règne de Charles X Tome Onzième, Contenenat les Lois et Ordonnances rendues depuis le 4er Juillet jusqu’au 31 Décembre 1828 page 478 [No 12,457: Ordonnance du Roi qui autorise l’acception d’une rente anual de 60 francs léguée à la fabrique de l’église de Sarrians (Vauciuse) par le sieur Rey: Royal Ordinance authorizing 60 franc annual rent on the Church of Sarrians. (Paris, 15 Mars 1829)], Paris: Bulletin of of the Laws of France, 8th Series. Reign of Charles X, Containing the Laws & Ordinances since the 4th July until the 31st December 1828, à De L’Imprimiere Royale: His Majesty’s Royal Printer ©Janvier 1830.
- Fae Dictionary [Erl King, Frau Bercha = Wild Hunt, Moon Lore], USA: New York State: Web Host: Fortune City ©2007
- Heather McNeil, Illustrator: Nancy Chien–Eriksen, The Celtic Breeze: Stories of the Otherworld from Scotland, Ireland, & Wales, Kirsty McKay, South Uist: Leanamh Tacharan (pron. LYEHN-uv TAKH-uh-run): The Changeling Child, Niall Noígiallach (NE-yul NUY-yee-uhl-ach): Cloud of the 9, An Laoidh Diarmaid (ah LOO-ee JEE-arm-itch), A T-each-uisge agus an ighean (ahn chekh OOSH-guh AH-goos ah NEE-un): The Kelpie & the Girl, Tir na Mhiann na Chridhe (cheer nah VEE-awn nah KREE-yah): Land of Heart’s Desire, Gwraig Annwn: Lady of the Lake, Am Bron Mara (ahm brawn MAH-rah): The Sea Sorrow, Claddedigaith y Lleuad (klah-theh-DEE geith uh HLEI-ahd): The Buried Moon, Uamh a’ Phiobaire (OO-uv ah FEE-bah-ruh): The Piper’s Cave, Pronounciation: George Seto & Liam Cassidy GAIDHLIG-B Listserv, Frank Dagostino CELTIC-L Listserv, Gaelic Instructor Glenn Wrightson: a’mhuir (a VOOR), boireannach dall (BUH-ren ach DOWL), An Ionndrainn-Mhara (ahn EWE-uhn-dry-uhn-VAR-ah): The Sea Longing, ruidhle (RYEE-uh-luh) = reel, bi samhach (bee SAH-vahkh): Be Quiet, sgeulachdan (SKEE-lahk-un): stories, sannt (sount): greed, draoidheachd (DROO-ee-ahkh): magic, sios (SHEE-us): down, Righ nan Sithichean (ree nun SHEE-ack-an): King of the Faeries, USA: Libraries Unlimited World Folklore Series: Greenwood Publishing Group Inc: P.O. Box 6633, Englewood, Colorado 80155–6633 ©2001. ISBN: 1-563-08778-82 Westport News: Westport’s Greenwood Publishing to Close, 150 Jobs Cut, Monday, October 06, 2008 “Greenwood was founded as Greenwood Press, Inc., in 1967 by Harold Mason, a librarian & antiquarian bookseller, & Harold Schwartz, who had a background in trade publishing.”
- Geoffrey Ashe (1923–), The Landscape of King Arthur with Photographs by Simon McBride, UK: England: London: Grange Books A Imprint of Books & Toys Limited. Printer: Spain: Madrid: Gráficas Reunidas ©1992. ISBN: 1–856-27230-3
- Heather Blakely, All Soul’s Night Greetings [Isle of the Dead], Australia: Soul Food Café: State of Victoria Department of Education & Early Childhood Development, Melbourne ©October 30, 2005
- Walter Bruno Henning (1908–1967), The Book of Giants, Sacred-Texts, UK: England: University of London: Bulletin of the School of Oriental & African Studies Vol. XI, Part 1, pp. 52-74 ©1943. [Mary Boyce, Obituary: German-born scholar of Iranian history, archaeological discovery in East Turkestan. 1940: Being a German alien in England, he was interned at the start of World War II on the Isle of Man]
- Erwin Rohde (1845–1898), Professor at the University of Kiel, Psyche: Seelencult Unsterblickkeitsglaube der Grieche [Leuke = sonderelysion], Germany: Heidelberg: Verlag von Jakob Christian Benjamin Mohr/ jetzt Mohr Siebeck Verlag ©1890–1894. English: Translator W.B. Hillis, Psyche: The Cult of Souls & the Belief in Immortality among the Greeks, trans. from the 8th edn., UK: London: Routledge & Kegan Paul ©1925, 2000. [Note: I have not read the English version]
- Edmund Spenser (1552–1599), The Faerie Qveene: Disposed into twelue bookes, Fashioning XII. Morall vertues, Sacred-Texts, UK: England: London: Printed for William Ponsobie ©1596. Reprint: The Complete Works in Verse & Prose of Edmund Spenser, UK: England: Grosart, London ©1882, ISTA: Internet Sacred Text Archive, P.O. Box 7429, Santa Cruz, CA 95061–7429 USA ©2010 John Bruno Hare
- Vicar Reverend David Charles Bryant BSc, St Gladys & St Gwynllyn, St Gobnet, St Conan, Samson the Hospitable, St Austol, St David, St Phelim, St Sulian, Ruman of Tavistock, Ss Ethenia & Fidelmia, St Felicitas & her 7 martyred sons, St Melangell, St Brannock of Braunton tone 1, Troparian Page, UK: Wales: Church in Wales Anglican Communion: Croeso Parish of Llandwrog & Llanwydna, Diocese of Bangor, Vicarage, Groeslon, Caernarfon LL54 7DL, Téléphone: (01286) 83l0584 Facsimile: (01286) 830614 ©2006
- General Editor Thomas Owen Clancy, Translator Gilbert Márkus, University of Glasgow, Conaing, Annals of Tigernach ©622 AD, The Triumph Tree: Scotland’s Earliest Poetry AD 550-1350, UK: Scotland: County Edinburghshire/Midlothian: Edinburgh: Canongate: Est. 1973 Stephanie Wolfe Murray & Angus Wolfe Murray. ©1998. ISBN: 0-862-41787-1 [Michael Newton: Note that the sea is personified as a woman in the 2nd stanza. The sacred tree of Tortan in County Meath is also mentioned.]
- Le menhir de Saint-Samson sur Rance: The Longstone of Saint-Samson over Rance, Armorance: Annuaire de la Bretagne du Nord: Armorance: Annual of North Brittany, France: Breizh: Duchy of Brittany, Département: Armorica: On the Sea ©1999 [Site Name: Saint-Samson menhir, Alternative Name: Tremarch menhir. Country: France. Département: Bretagne: Côtes-D’Armor, Type: Standing Stone (Menhir), Nearest Town: Lanion, Nearest Village: Pleumeur-Bodou, Latitude: 48.802233N, Longitude: 3.498542W]
- Denis Ferfecki, Salmo Trutta: The Brown Trout (archived), USA: New Jersey State: New Jersey Outdoor Alliance, A Nonprofit Corporation, P.O. Box 21, Belvidere NJ 07823 ©2002 [Ban Naomha a magical trout that swam in the sacred well of the sun, Kil-na-Greina in County Cork. Invisible to all but the 2nd sighted it’s said that if one took 3 drinks from the well, crawled around it 3 times & then placed an egg sized stone upon the altar the trout would show itself & answer any question.]
- Jacques Heurgon (1903–1995), Professor of Latin at Sorbonne University, Erich Gose: Der Templebezerk des Lenus Mars im Trier: Trierer Grabungen und Forschungen Berlin: The Temple of Lenus Mars at Trêves/Trier: Trier excavations & research Berlin: Gebr. Mann ©1955, You need a subscription to Princeton University® JSTOR: Journal STORage to read this :-( The Journal of Roman Studies Vol 47 No 1/2, pg 281, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies: Senate House, Malet Street: London, England WC1E 7HU ©1957
- Gaelic Instructor Barry Kelly, Mullinavat’s Townlands & Their Meanings [Rathkeiran Parish & Kilbecan Parish, Muillean an Bhata: The Mill of the Stick: Ancient mill which could only be approached by means of a rough stick over the Glendonnel River, where the bridge on the main road is now – Source: William Carrigan (1860–1924), The History & Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory by the Rev. William Carrigan C.C., Member of the Royal Irish Academy with a Preface by the Most Rev. Dr. Brownrigg, Lord Bishop of Ossory, Vol. 4, pg 172, Ireland: Leinster Province: County Dublin: The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland: Royal Society of the Antiquaries of Ireland: Dublin: Sealy, Bryers & Walker: Middle Abbey St. ©1905], Ireland: Leinster Province: County Kilkenny: Earlsrath a.k.a Rawaneerla, Mullinavat Village, Coordinates: 52°22′00″N 7°10′00″ W, N9: Dublin-Waterford National Primary Road. Téléphone: +35-386-811-6328 ©1999-2006. Osraighe: Deer / Uisragagh: Water Kingdom: Rivers Nore, Barrow & Suir meet.
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