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All Hallows
The sanctified term hallow, or holy, as is recited in the Lord’s Prayer hallowed be thy name ...All Hallows is when the most spiritually powerful of the Christian community’s dead (the Saints) are invoked to strengthen the living community. Ancestor worship was moved to November 1st in 835 AD by Pope Gregory. All Souls Day was added by the Benedictine monks, Abbot Odilon of Cluny, France in 988 as an extension of All Saint‘s Day and included the dead of families and local communities. The word November is Latin for 9: the 9th month. Hallowtide includes All Saints and All Souls Day (15)All Hallows Churches: West Yorkshire: Churches built 610 and 1150 over ancient site. Until 834 the festival of All Hallows was associated with Cetshaman: May Day. Samhain is the triple winter sun; while Cetshaman is the summer sun. The lunar calendar is balanced out to the solar year by adding a thirteenth month every 5 years. The Attic, ancient Greek, calendar is a 19-year cycle where some years have 12 months to them and some have 13 months. Gwynn Twr: The White Tower called Tower of London: 2000 year old pavement, Roman Basilica, Barking Saxon Abbey ruins 675 AD. St Francis crypt; Port of London Authority.of visible things, as a clue to the inward meaning of things invisible– St. Hilary. (30, 31)
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