[Christine O’Keeffe’s New Year’s Customs Page]

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French New Year: Le Nouvel An
(pron. luh new-VEHL-awn) La St-Sylvestre is the other name for New Years. Dinner parties are thrown for the entire family. On New Year’s Day Father Time is called Père Temps. Il y a des familles qui continuent de donner la bénédiction paternelle, une tradition de leurs ancêtres. Families say blessings [pater noster] a tradition of the ancestors. Bonne anneé à tous! Happy New Year to you all! (10)

Le Jour des Étrennes: Day of New Year’s Presents: People exchange presents and greeting cards. People began sending fake gifts on April first (which originally culminated the New Year feast) as a joke on those who previously had received their étrennes or New Year’s gifts, on that day. Poisson d’avril: April fish, is the name French people apply to one who is fooled or mocked on April first. Confectioners’ windows display chocolate fish on this day and many friends anonymously send each other humorous postcards imprinted with pictures of fish. France adopted the reformed calendar in 1582 which changed the beginning of the New Year from March 25 to January first.

Le réveillon du nouvel an: Foods: brioche, oysters, chicken, eggs, wine, bonbonnières filled with chocolate, sweets, flowers, candied fruit.(6)

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