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Leabhar Laigneach: Book of Leinster a.k.a Leabhar na Núachongbála: Book of the New Foundation
University of Dublin’s Trinity College Library: College Shelfmark MS H 2.18 / Franciscan Convent, Dun Mhuire, Killiney (Pronounced yower na ooa-cong-wall): Written in 1150 A.D at Nuachongbáil: Oughaval Monastery, Stradbally, County Laois, Ireland. Principal scribe Abbot Aed Ua Crimthainn of Tír-Dá-Glas: Terryglas on the Shannon River, County Tipperary under Bishop Finn mac Gormáin of Kildare. Aed’s signature on f. 32r (p. 313): Aed mac meic Crimthaind ro scrib in leborso 7 ra thinoil a llebraib imdaib: ed Húa Crimthaind wrote this book & collected it from many books. Also called Leabhar Gleann Dá Locha: The Book of Glendalough. Rescued by Welsh archeologist Edward Lhwyd in 1700 from priests who hid it from Cromwell. The writing is partly illegible from dirt and wear and has frayed edges. A transcript of the first 115 pages of the manuscript was made in 1852 by Eugene OCurry and is used by modern translators to determine some of what was lost. O’Curry suggested the King of Leinster: Diarmait Mac Murchada (d. 1171) commissioned the manuscript. Land passed to the Marshal Earls of Pembroke & Meiler fitz Henry. Sir James Ware’s (d. 1666) excerpt from posession of Rory O’Moore Lord of Oughaval. 187 leaves, 177 preserved in Trinity College, loose in a special box and 10 in Dun Mhuire. 3 X 9 Renamed The Book of Leinster by 1800s translator John O’Donovan. Stories it contains: - Leabhar Gabhála Érenn: Book of The Taking of Ireland.
- Atá sund forba fessa, Annalad anall uile: Here is a perfect spindle, Chronicle from the world.
- Ríg Temra dia tesbaid tnú Ríg Temra toebaige iar tam: Kings ripe western raid.
- Can a mbunadas na nGaedel: Song of the Gael
- Ro ddet a hlnis find Fail, Beir mo scíath sceo fri uath breo: Inis Fail, living harp
- A. maccáin ná cí Connachta`cid dia tá in t-ainm:A. Divine Son of Clear Water of Connacht: Clear Place is called
- Cormac mac Culennáin: In tIbar macc nAngciss: Cormac Divine Son of Hazel
- Fland Manistrech: Munter na Tromdáma Sovereign Monastery: Elder
- Cormac fili: Turim Tigi Temrach: Cormacs Bards: Enumeration of the House of Tara
- Suidigud Tigi Midchúarda: House of Meadcircling
- Dindgnai Temrach: Taras Story
- Cethri srotha déc éicsi
- Trí Dé Donand: Three Dieties of the Black Abyss.
- Fland Fína: [Ro ddet a hInis find Fáil]: Deer Goddess Fland [Inisfail Island]
- Cináed húla Artacáin: Fíanna bátar i nEmain: Arthurian Noble Descendents: White Ones on the Plain
- Gilla na Náem Húla Duind: Cúiced Lagen na lecht ríg: Servants of the Saintly Children of Black: Raven of the Stone of Kings
- Cáún Húla Lothcháin: Temair Breg bale na fían: Hounds: Tara
- Fothart for trebaib Con Corbb Cause
- Feidlimid athair Echach: Nine Times Beautiful Father of Blossoming,
- Augaine Már mac ríg Hérend: Mílesian King Lamb the Great of Ireland
- Túathal Techtmar ba rí Temrach: The Illegitimate Ruler of the People at Tara
- Trefocul: Three Stories
- De dúlib feda na fored
- Marb Cairpre Músc co n-áne: Death of Great Soul Carrier
- Ríg Hérend: Kings of Ireland.
- Ríg Lagen: Kings of Leinster.
- Ríg Húa Cendselaig
- Ríg Húa Falge: Kings of the Isle of Man
- Reges Ossairge: Kings of Ossory.
- Ríg Connacht: Kings of Connacht
- Ríg Ulad: Kings of Ulster.
- Ríg Dáil Araide: Kings of Dál Riada.
- Ríg Uisnig: Kings of Usnech
- Comarbada Pátraic: Short account of St. Patrick
- Orthanach hila Cáelláma Cuirrich: [A chóicid chóem Chairpri chrúaid]: [Birth of red-spotted Soul Carrier]
- Bróccán Cráibdech: Lecht Cormaic meic Culennáin: Branching: The Stone of Cormac Son of Hazel
- Medb Lethderg: Macc Moga Corbb celas clú: Intoxicated Red One: Divine Great
- Dubthach húa Lugair: Andsu immarbáig ri Lagnib: Black-Tongued Descendent of Raven: Voyage of the King of Raven Country
- Dubthach húa Lugair: Crimthan clothrí cóicid Hérend: Black-Tongued Descendent of Raven: Fox gleaming Ireland
- Dubthach húa Lugair: Cath tucastar Crimthann: Black-Tongued Descendent of Raven: Grain Harvest of the Fox
- A bairgen ataf i ngábud
- Dallán mac Móre Cerball Currig cáem Life: Blind One of the Great Red Yew Berry born of the Life River
- Dallán mac Móre Mo chen a chlaidib Cherbaill: Blind One of Great my Red Yew Berry
- Brandub mac Echach: Black Raven Divine Son of Blossom
- Guidim [Comdid cumachtach]
- Bémmend Branduib for Brega: Black Raven.
- Échta Lagen for Leth Cuind: Conn’s Half
- Clanna Falge Ruis in ríg: Children of the Isle of Mans Kings
- Slán seiss a Brigit co mbúaid: Health Brigit.
- Nomina uirorum componentium lapides: Latin
- Gormlaith ingen tlainn: Cia dír do chlérchib na cell: Blue Princess Daughter of Lake Maiden: Who went Holly.
- Orthanach húa Cáelláma: Masu de chlaind Echdach aird: Slender: Blossom Children
- Gormlaith ingen Flaind: Blue Princess Daughter of Lake Maiden
- Dallán mac Móre: Cormac Femin Fogertach: Blind One of the Great: Cormac
- Táin Bó Cúailnge: Cattle Raid of Cooley.
- Scéla Chonchobuir: Conchubars Story.
- Aided Guill meic Carbada: Hazel Divine Son of Carbads Death
- Aided Gairb Glinne Rígi: Death of Rough Glittering Kings.
- Scél mucci Meic Dá Thó: Story of the Son of 2 Mutes’ Pig
- Talland Étair: Inside Earth.
- Aígidecht Aithirni: Reincarnations Stories
- Aided Cheltchair meic Uthechair: Rainement Divine Son of Uthechairs Death.
- Brislech Mór Maige Murthemni: Great Power of the Country Over the Waves: The Boyhood Deeds of Chuchulainn: Hazel Hound
- Beochobra Con Culaind: Hazel Hounds Ankles.
- Siaburchobra Con Culaind: Hazel Hounds Frenzy
- Cú Chulaind De adventu Christ: Hazel Hound & the Advent of Christ.
- Nuallguba Emire: Emers Lament.
- Aided Chonchobuir: Conchubars Death.
- Aided Meidbe: Intoxicated Ones Death
- Aided Derb Forgaill: Red Forgaills Death.
- Nóenden Ulad Emuin Machae: The Ulstermen at Crows Height.
- Cia tréide céna labratar iarna genemain? Whose flock generates yarn?
- Gilla Cóemáin: Hériu ard inis na rríg: The Doves Servant: Ireland & the Island of the Kings
- Atá sund forba fessa: Here is a perfect spindle.
- Annalad anall uile: Chronicle from the world.
- Fland Mainistrech Ríg: Thernra dia tesband tnú: Sovereign Kings Monastery: Diety Worth Envy.
- Ríg Thernra tóebaige iar tain: Kings ripe western raid.
- Máel Mura of Fothain: Can a mbunadas na nGaedel: Silver Sea: Knowledge of the Gaels.
- Mac Cosse of Ros Ailithir: Rofessa i curp domuin dúir: Cosses Divine Son, Ailithir Oak Woods grandson: Lord of Perfect Knowledge & dark oak.
- Gilla Mo Dutu úa Casaide: dam óenathair na ndóene: Servant Mo Dutu Grandson of Cassidy: Snakes Grandson
- Dublitir úa athgaile: Rédig dam a Dé do nim: Dublitir Descendent of athgaile: King Diety of Clouds
- Gilla in Chornded úa Cormaic: A Rí ríchid réidig dam: Chorndeds servant Descendent of Cranes Divine Son: An ascending King
- Ailbe: ar in lathe do Lum Luine: Ailbe: Went to Lum Luine
- Fland Mainistrech: Mugain ingen Chonchraid chain: Lake Maiden Monastery: Sun of Munster, Conrads Daughter.
- Clanna Ailella Uluim uill: Aillil Olums Children
- Sencháin Torpést: Apair ri síl nEogain Móir: Torpést Stories: King of the Yew Dynesty
- Trí Fothaid Elgga cen chron: Three Beginning Stories
- Ailill lomm: Beir mo scíath sceo fri úath: Aillil Olom: Bringing forth my dashing hours
- A maccáin ná cí: Through clear water
- Dub Dá Thfiath: Diambad messe bad rí réil: Sunday Knowledge: Intoxicating King
- Fothad na Canóne: Cert cech ríg co rréil: Stories of the Canons
- Eclais Dé bí: The Living Diety
- Mo Lling: Rochúala la nech légas libru: My Vision: The Water
- Fithal & Cormac: Níba mé línfes do neoch dara thráth: Knowledge & Cranes Son: Both went to the oak wood
- A Chormaic coisc do maicni: Cranes Son went for sanctuary
- Teist Chathail meic Finguine Ríg Muman: Second King Cathal Divine Son of White One, Munsters Kings
- Diarmait mac Cerbaill: Mairg thochras ri clerchib cell: Forgiven Divine Son of Song: Sea King Holly
- Fland Fína: In rígan ecnaid óg fial: White Sovereignty: Queen of Blossoming Young Knowledge
- Cináed úa Artacáin: A chloch thall for elaid úair: Noble Grandson of Arthur: A bell news hour
- Fland Mainistrech: Inn eól dúb in senchas sin: Lake Maiden Monastery: Sovereignty: Dark Storm Stories.
- Fland mac Lonáin: Maiccni Echach ard a ngle: Lake Maiden Divine Son of Blackbird: Blossoming High One who Glimmers
- Dindshenchas: Metrical: Story of Important Places.
- Ossín: Ogum i Ilia, lia úas lecht: Little Fawn: Ogum & Ilia stone, Grey Stone
- Cath Ruis na Ríg: Harvest of the Kings.
- Sanas Cormaic: Cormac: Crane Son’s Glossary
- Fland Manistrech: Lake Maiden Monastery
- Cind cethri ndíni iar Frigrind: Head of four west.
- Asenam ní seol sadal: Ancient tales
- Aní doronsat do chalmu clanna Eogain: Calm Yews Children went West.
- A ngluind, a n-échta, a n-orgni batar infir: Glimmering, blossoming, wonderous golden wares.
- Mide magen clainne Cuind: Meath: Honey, Conn’s Children.
- Síl Aeda Sláne na sleg: Genuflection Fire Health
- Imaccallam in dá Thuarad: Colloquey of the Two Sages
- Cathcharpat serda: Sun Chariot.
- Do nemthigud filed i scélaib i comgnímaib:Pearl Poets & Stories sanctuary
- Na Trí Fothaid: Three Washers
- Inis Dornglais ro gab Crimthann: Dornglas Islands Oak Forest
- Temaile fáid Miled Espáin: Sons of Míl from Spain
- A Cín Dromma Snecta: Clear Waters Ridge
- Abratruad gilla Conchobuir: Red Eyebrows servant of Conchobar
- Mugdorn ingen Moga Duib: Mugdorn Daughter of Great One of the Dark
- Dindshenchas. Metrical: Story of Important Places
- Find mac Cumaill: Ligi Guill i mMaig Raigni: Finn Mac Cumhail: Great Plain
- Oenach indiu luid in rí: Grandsons King
- Dám Thrír táncatar ille: Tribe Three holy fires
- Tuilsiter mo derca súan: Flood my red sleep
- Caílte: Bec innocht lúth mo dá lúa: Caílte: Little tonight strength light my two torches
- Fuit co bráth: Forever
- Cináed da hArtacáin: Arthurs Noblemen
- Cóic mugain: Sun of Munster
- Togail Troí: Distilling through
- Dindshenchas: The Story of Important Places
- Do Fallsigud Tána Bó Cualgne: Two Early Stories Before the Cattle Raid of Cooley: The Finding of the Tána
- De Gaba in tSíd: The Taking of the Sidhe: Peace People
- De Chophur in da muccida: Two Pigs
- Táin Bó Flidais: Cattle Raid of Stag Queen
- Táin Bó Fraích: Cattle Raid of Heather
- Fochond Loingse Fergusa meic Roig: Exile of Fergus Mac Roi: Man Divine Son of Oak
- Tochmarc Ferbae: Wooing of Ferb
- Longes mac nUsnig: The Exile of the Sons of Uisneach: Water
- Mesca Ulad: Intoxication of the Ulstermen
- Orgain Dind Ríg: The Destruction of the Fortress of the Kings
- Esnada Tige Buchat: Sigh of the Melodious House
- Fingal Rónáin: The Kin Slaying of White Seal
- Niall Frossach: Cloud Rainshower
- Senach Talten: Ancient Diadem: Feast at Teltown
- Aided Cuanach meic Ailchini: Cuan Divine Son of Ailchins Death
- Echtra Laegaire meic Crimthainn: Adventures of Snow Son of Fox
- Cath Cairn Chonaill: Harvest Reeds Grave.
- Senchas Ailiúin Chobthaig: Alans Story
- A ben bennacht fort na ráid: Fortunate Blessings to say
- Días macclerech: The Clerics Days
- Rí irisech ro bol do Grécaib: Oak King went to the mouth of Greece.
- Iartaige na hingine colaige do Grécaib: Hazels Daughter went to the mouth of Greece.
- Dá brón flatha nime: Two dewdrops sovereignty of the clouds: The Kingdom of Heaven’s Two Sorrows
- Cethrur macclérech: Four sons of the Cleric
- Epscop do Gaedelaib dochoid do Róim: Episcopal readings to the Gaels
- Baí rí amra do Grécaib Salemón a aimn: The Supreme Kings voyage to the mouth of Greece
- Slóiged mór rucsat Gréic co Hebrib: Great people who came from Greece to the Hebrides.
- Triar macclérech: Three Sons of the Cleric.
- Macclérech do muintir Ferna móire: The Clerics Sons household went to Marys Alder.
- Fechtas do Mling is Tóidin co n-acca Mael Doborchon: Stories of Saint Mo Ling: My Vision
- Coíca epscop dodeochatar dochum MOedóc Ferna: Stories of Episocopal Saint My River
- Buí siur Mo Lassi Lethglinni oc légund i fail Mo Lasse: Yellow One sister of My Flame Half-Gleam precious stone she welcomes My Flame
- Luid Mael Ruain Tamlachta fechtas dia airge: Silver Hair went gulping time where the cows are. [Gaelic time= fear feacht= time English]
- Cummíne Fota mac Fiachnai di Eoganacht Chassil: Patience Divine Son of Knowledge of the Yew Dynasty.
- Longes Chonaill Chuirc: The Exile of Conall Corc: Reed Oat .
- Cath Maige Mucrima: Harvest of Mucrima Plain
- De maccaib Conaire: Of Senses Divine mouth.
- Audacht Morainn: Sea Queen.
- Bórama: Tribute.
- Cogad Gaedel re Gallaib: Mílesian Gaedel King of the Gaules
- Lagin, Laígsi: The Raven People.
- Comuammand na nGenelach: Community of Geneologies: Secular Genealogies: Lagin, Senchas Síl Ébir, De rígaib Muman iar cretim.
- Senchas Síl Ébir: Mílesian Yew Stories
- Genelach Éoganachta: Geneology of the Yew Dynasty
- Genelach Ciarraige: Kerry Geneology
- Genelach na nDéissi: Southern Geneology
- Clanna Ébir i lLeith Chuind: Mílesian Yews Children
- De rígaib Muman iar cretim: Munsters Divine Kings in the West.
- Genelach: Geneologies
- Senchas Síl hr: Story.
- Senchas Dáil Fiatach: Story of the Dál Fiatach
- Do forslointib .h. nEchach: Two Beginning Stories that Blossom
- Do forslointib Ulad: Two Beginning Ulster Stories
- Cland Conaill Cernaig: Reeds Children
- Fergus mac Róig: Man Divine Son of Red
- Senchas Clainde Fergusa: Children of Mans Stories.
- Senchas Conmaicne: Sanctuary Stories
- Na hAirgialla: Argyll: The Silver Moon
- Genelach: Geneologies.
- Genelach Dál Moga Ruith: Geneology of Great Yew
- Senchas Clainde Fergusa: The Story of the Children of Man
- Genelach Dáil Araide: Geneology of the Red Kings
- Genelach Ríg Ulad (Cú Ulad): Geneology of the Ulster Kings (The Hound of Ulster)
- Senchas Conmaicne: Connemara Stories.
- Na hAirgialla: Argyll
- Genelach Ciannachta: Geneology of Clear Water
- Genelach Conmaicne: Connemara Geneology
- Genelach Delbina: Geneology of the Visible
- Genelach na nDéissi Breg: Geneology of the Southern Brigantes
- Genelach Ríg Mide (Clann Colmáin): Geneology of the Kings of Meath (Children of the Dove)
- Genelach Síl Aeda Sláine: High Fire of Healths Geneology
- Genelach Loegaire: Geneology of Mílesian Loegaire: Snow
- Genelach Cairpri Móir: Geneology of Great Soul Carrier
- Genelach Fer Tethba: Geneology of Great Sea Ones Men
- Genelach Uachtair Tíre: Geneology of the Waterfall Land
- Genelach Conaille Murthemni: Geneology of Reed of the Country Over the Waves
- Genelach Dáil Araide: Geneology of Dál Riada: Red Kings
- Genelach h. nEchach Coba: Geneology of Blossoming Coba
- Genelach Lethi Cathail: Geneology of the Sides of Grain
- Genelach Oe nDarea Chéin : Geneology of the Grandsons of Oak
- Genelach Ríg Alban: Geneology of the Kings of Scotland
- Genelach Ríg Desmuman (Diarmait m Cormaic): Geneology of the Kings of South Munster (Forgiven m Crane Son)
- Genelach .h. nEnna: Geneology of the Birds
- Genelach.h. nEchach Muman: Geneology of Blossoming Munster
- Genelach Ríg Tuadmuman: Geneology of the Kings of Wave Munster
- Genelach Ciarraige Luachra: Geneology of the Dark Snake-Asp
- Genelach Corco Dubni: Geneology of the Black Oat
- Genelach Corco Bascind: Geneology of the Vermillion-Red Oat
- Genelach Corcomruad: Geneology of the Red Oat
- Genelach Uathni: Geneology of the Green Ones
- Genelach Éli Tuascirt:
- Genelach .h. Ceinselaig:
- Genelach Ríg Fothart Fea: Geneology of the Kings of Fothart Fea
- Flaith .h. nEnechglais: The Goddess Sovereignty
- Lagin: Leinster: Raven
- Genelach Ríg Ossairge: Geneology of the Kings of Ossory
- Fothart m Cinaeda
- Genelach Ríg Ailig: Geneology of the Kings of Ailig
- Genelach Ríg Ceniúil Conaill: Geneology of the Kings of Tír Connell
- Genelach Ceniúil Ennai: Geneology of the Heads of Ennai: Bird.
- Genelach Ceniúil Lugdach: Geneology of the Heads of Lughdach: Raven
- Genelach Airgiall: Geneology of Argyl.
- Genelach Ríg Connacht: Geneology of the Kings of Connacht.
- Genelach Ríg Bréfni: Geneology of the Kings of Breifne.
- Genelach .h. Fiachrach: Geneology .h. Knowledge
- Genelach Lugni Connacht: Geneology of the Raven People of Connacht
- Tecosca Cormaic: Cormac: Crane Sons Teaching.
- Senbríathra Fithail: Circular Talk
- Audacht Moraind: The Testament of Morann: Great Queen.
- Do macaib Israhel do Patric: St. Patricks Household
- Fiacail Pátric: Saint Patricks Tooth
- De generibus sanctorum Clainde Lugdach: Sanctity of the Moon Children.
- Secht n-ingena Dalbrónaig: Blind Ones Daughters Story.
- Clann Dar Erca: Proud Soul Carriers Children.
- Trea ropo maith in ben: Further Pedigrees of the Saints
- Secht meic áille Oengusa: The Young Gods Story
- Brathir Fursu cóir a rad: Rain Showers Enchanted castle [which keeps one spell-bound] & labyrinth, ladder
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