Kings: D
Driscol, Driscoll (Interpreter) Dris (Thorn) / Draigen, Draigheán (Blackthorn, Bramble) / Gorsedd (From the Mound, Ivy)
(pron. DRAYN) Celtic triple god. A giant. His identical brothers are: Draigen: Blackthorn and Aittit: Fire Brand. They wear blue mantles and bed gowns with red insertion. Their father is Sciath Foilt: Shield of Blood Treachery. Pair Drynog: Cauldron of Drynog: Only the meat of a brave man will boil in it. It is one of the Thirteen Treasures of the Isle of Britain. known as the Diwrnach, Dyrnwch, Dyrnfwch, Tyrnog the golden basin Pryderi and his mother Rhiannon: Great Queen became stuck fast to. (73, 80, 97)
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