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Halloween Party Ideas
- 8 weeks before party: Select the theme, guestlist, invitations, indoor & outdoor decorations, menu, activities in advance. Let children help. Don’t forget your costume!
- 6 weeks before party: Send invitations. Include date, time, address & RSVP: Respondez S’il Vous Plait: Respond If You Please phone number. Call two weeks before to all those who haven’t responded.
- Keep menu simple: Plan a mixture of sweet and savory foods.
- Have people bring a dish to share. This is called a potluck.
- After getting the number of people who RSVP’d, prepare any foods that can be made ahead of time and store in freezer.
- 3 days before party: Clean house three days before party.
- Day before party: Move furniture to clear party area and set out decorations. Cook food and refrigerate. Do as much as possible ahead of time.
- Day of Party: Make sure there are lots of trash bags. Paper partyware can be helpful.
- Finish decorating, prepare last-minute food, and put on costume.
- Send people home with party favors. Examples: polaroid photos of each guest in costume, caramel apples, halloween pencils, silly string.
The Oregonian Newspaper , Albertson’s Halloween Fun, October 19, 1999
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