A likewise human race, however own (quite indefinite) origin, kept in which calls itself the Blaír. Blaireau: Badger in French. | The Vöivren meet on May Day. Their king wears a golden crown. The Queen lives at Maraileann Lake and is the snake goddess Nwywre. In Wales, the Druids came together at Midsummers eve to blow being into the Serpents Stone: Glain Neidir, a stone of mystery, victory and divining. The Druids wore the adders egg (adder: small, poisonous snake common in Europe and the only poisonous snake in Great Britain) below the breastplate of judgment suspended by a chain. Opal-like, polished and perfectly round in pale terracotta, light green, azure, or soft pink blended with lilac. It cures disease and eye inflamations and can make people invisible. Known as milpreve in Cornwall it is a glassy stone with a naturally-ocurring hole through the middle. Called hagstone, witch stone, adder stone, serpent’s egg, snake’s egg, aggry/aggri (Egypt) it will float in water. Snakes are a symbol of regeneration. The heart of a snake encased in a locket and worn around the neck, will insure luck in speculative business. Eating a white snake enables one to understand the language of beasts, birds, reptiles, and fish. Under the earth there exists a delicious place, the dwelling of witches, where all things abound, especially milk and honey, which run in abundant rivers. – Euskad tradition from Ataún (35: 1, 73, 107, 113, 115) |