[Christine’s Halloween Monster and Faery List]

Queens: T

Trifin, Trifine, Trivia, Triphyna, Tréphine, Trephina (Triple White One) Contrebis, Treblann (Triple One)

Le Barbe Bleu: Blue Beard
Count Conomar was lieutenant of Brittany in the reign of Childebert. M. Hippolyte Violeau assures us that in 1850, during the repairs of the chapel of St. Nicolas de Bieuzy, some ancient frescoes were discovered with scenes from the life of St. Triphyna: (1) The marriage; (2) the husband taking leave of his young wife and entrusting to her a key; (3) a room with an open door, through which are seen the corpses of seven women hanging; (4) the husband threatening his wife, while another female [sister Anne] is looking out of a window above; (5) the husband has placed a halter round the neck of his victim, but the friends, accompanied by St. Gildas, abbot of Rhuys in Brittany, arrive just in time to rescue the future saint. —Pélerinages de Bretagne.

(pron. TREE-feen, tree-FEE-nah) Contrebis is goddess of rain and the seas, said to collect the tears of the world for Saitada. She is invoked before a sea voyage, crossing a stream, or walking in rain. Beautiful goddess in love with the god Fróech: Rainshower. When she met him she wore a purple cloak, gold brooch, patterned tunic, sandals with gold clasps, and jeweled diadem.
 As St. Trifine she is the daughter of Guerech / Weroc, chief of the Venetii in Gwenea Vannes: White Grain Country, France. She married the tyrant Cunomagnus-Comorre-Conomor a giant of Keraës: Carhaix, Finistère, Cornouaille: Black Grain Country who had already killed four of his previous wives by poison, strangulation [knife], fire, beating [water]. He came with gifts of honey, linen thread, and a dozen suckling pigs and gave them to her father. St. Gildas-Gweltaz: Benediction gave her a silver ring which would turn as black as a crow’s wing when in mortal danger and she prayed everyday at the tombs of the four wives. Comorre left for Rennes, returning after five months to find her pregnant and trimming an infant’s satin hood with gold lace and silver embroidery. Her ring turned black, and at midnight the tombs of the four women opened, releasing the corpses in winding sheets. They told her that through the Spirit of Evil Comorre knew his child would kill him. They helped Trifina to flee by telling her to poison the guard dog with the poison that killed the first wife, descend the wall with the cord that strangled the second wife, guide herself with the fire that burnt the third wife and journey homewards with the stick that broke the fourth wife’s skull. When Comorre returned he climbed to the top of the central tower and looked toward the four winds. Toward the midnight he saw a raven croaking, toward the sunrise he saw a swallow flying, toward the midday a sea-gull hovering, but toward the sunset he saw a white dove fleeing and that was Trefina. Trephina flew through the forest by the castle and she hid in a shepherd’s cabin to give birth. She hid the baby in the cavity of a tree. The ring was given to her father’s golden-collared falcon who flew to Gwenea. Comorre caught up with her and decapitated her when she refused to turn over her land to him. She was then resuscitated by St. Gweltas. She carried her pale severed head underneath her right arm and her baby underneath the left arm to the castle. St Gweltaz took the new-born named Trevor/Trémuir from his mother and placed him on the ground. Trevor marched to the moat, picked up a handful of earth, and, throwing it against the castle, exclaimed: ‘Let the Trinity execute judgment.’ At the same instant the towers shook and fell with a crash, the walls yawned open, and the castle sunk, burying Comorre and all his partners in crime. St Gildas then replaced Triphyna’s head upon her shoulders, laid his hands upon her, and restored her to life. (80, 71, 89, 112, 155, 232, 237)

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