Moritsagus (Masses of Sea Water) Morgan Mwynfawr, Morvan Les-Breiz, Morcan, Morcar, Morcoc (Sea Born) Murcach, Mocorb, Murtagh, Murchadh, Morchet, Morc’hed, Murdo, Múrcach, Moreth (Sea) Murchú (Hound of the Sea) Melkin, Melor, Melar, Melias de Lile (Honey, Iron Man) Tulchinne, Taulchinne (Yearling) In Shakespeare’s Cymbeline: Cymbeline refers to himself as Morgan. | (pron. MORE-gahn, MAY-lahn, MAHL-an, MEEN) King of the Fomorii giants, Chief of Léon: Raven People, High king of Ireland AD 512-33, First Lord of the Isles & King of the Land of Wonder with a snow-white body, raven black hair & beard, cherry red cheeks, gold earrings, speckled mantle who juggles nine swords, nine silver shields & nine golden apples in the palace of King Conaire: Reed. He has the ability to sustain life & carries a sword of steel made by the master smiths of Ardan that gives command over the weather. When he is nineteen years old he slays thirty warriors, the Chevalier Lorgnez & is healed by the Hermit of the Wood. He is decapitated by the King of the Franks & the Hermit of the Wood unites his severed head with his body. He does penance for seven years, his hair turns snowy white & falls to his waist. St Anne comes to him & cuts his hair. He annihilated the Nemedians: Sacred Grove People from Scythia on Toraigh Island after they killed his brother Conán: Reed. His reinforcements came from Africa. His temple at Alesia, Gaule is a sacred healing pool. Surgical tools were found there. His cromlech is at Rennes. His chariot: Cadair Morgan is one of the Thirteen Treasures of the Isle of Britain and will carry a person wherever they wish to go. Consort of the goddess Damona: Divine Cow, Mab: Intoxicated One & Coinchend: Loch Ness Monster. Brothers: Gilcas, Fergus: Vigor, king of the Dál Ríada of Scotland. [He sent his brother the Lia Fáil :The Stone of Destiny so he could be crowned king, but he did not send it back.] His nephews are the three Collas. (58, 71, 73, 75, 77, 97, 124, 139, 162) | ||
![]() We celebrate thy radiant memory,/ all honourable Hierarch Conan,/ consolation of the afflicted, teacher of the true faith/ & shepherd of souls on the Isle of Man./ Pray for our efforts, feeble as they are,/ & save our souls. – Troparion of St Conan tone 1
‘Sinend, daughter of Lodan Luchargian, son of Ler, out of Tir Tairngire Land of Promise to Connla’s Well which is under sea, to behold it. That is a well at which are the hazels & inspirations of wisdom, that is, the hazels of the science of poetry, and in the same hour their fruit, and their blossom and their foliage break forth, & these fall on the well in the same shower, which raises on the water a royal surge of purple. Then the salmon chew the fruit, & the juice of the nuts is apparent on their purple bellies. And seven streams of wisdom spring forth & turn there again.’ Welcome Conall, heart of stone, Ngetal Giolcach Cawnen Reed - “The Tree of Scribes”, Used to make pens and Welsh plagawd (paper). 28 October - 24 November. Thatching, mats, baskets. Insulation, Enclosure, Covering. Preserver of Knowledge, Maintainer of Order. Nglas (glass green or yellowish-green) | (pron. KOH-nuhn may-REEAH-dek, KUN-ing, KUN-thell-ig mer-YAZ-ek, KAWN, KAW-ni-re MORE, kun-IR-eh MORE, KAW-nal Cayr-nach, KAWN-lee, KAWN-VEE, KAWN-UH-ee, kun-EELKAWN, KON-oo-char, KUH-her, Kunnhoor, KUN-ed-oor, KUN-OOR, KON-muhk, KUN-vac, KI-NAWHN, KIH-noo-as, KON-a, KON-yokh, KUH-nyuhx, KON-ach, KON-ach-awn, KEN-ee, kiin, DELL-ah, DEK-lawn, DEY-glawn, TOM-al-tach, TOOM-a, tom-AWN) Second oldest of the nine Fomorii gods with long curly golden hair, forked beard, snow-white skin & hyacinth blue eyes who is King of Britain, Siluria & Breton lord of the Dumnomiens. He can take the form of a giant [one of the Three Brown Manx Giants] or a centaur. His father King Caradoc: Soul Carrier was murdered by Griffith who ascended the throne. Meriadoc and his sister Orwen: White Gold were sent to the woods to be killed, but the executioners did not carry out their task. Meriadoc was raised by Ivor the Huntsman and his wife Morwen, while Urien, King of Scots, abducted Orwen and married her. Griffith was defeated and the throne was handed to Urien. Meriadoc rescued the daughter of the Emperor of Germany from Grundebald, king of the Land From Which No One Returns, and married her. (6). Duke Conan of Cornwall gave birth to the goddess Emmeline: Blind, who had her sight restored by Merlin-Myriddin: Sea Fortress. He pined away for a faery goddess & she took him to the Immortal World in a boat made of glass: He has a sacred well that contains red hazelnuts, the Nuts of Knowledge. Conan was rooted to the floor of Cahirciveen Castle: Husk Pod Castle by enchantment, torn from it by Goll: The One-Eyed One & Diarmuid: Beauty, covered with sheepskin from the hills of Tralee: Bright Place; the wool to weave sweaters in the winter. After the death of Nemed: Sacred Forest in the plague he demanded two thirds of the Sacred Grove People’s grain, milk, & children. The Sacred Grove people rebelled at his taxes, invaded his tower on Toraigh Island & killed him He was reborn as twins Conall & High King of Ireland Conaire. Conall: He was born from the goddess Finncháem: Beautiful when she swallowed a worm from a magic well. Called the Hunter-King of the Wood, Connal wears a tufted purple cloak, gold hilted sword, Culghlas: blue-green spear, blood-red shield with speckles of white bronze. His palace is at Caer Goch: The Place of Red Brightness with 150 rooms, each of which houses three couples. His room is decorated with copper screens, silver bars, silver curtains & golden birds with jewels for eyes. He shakes a silver rod with three golden apples to restore order. Ol nGuala: Coal Vat is always kept full. He arrived in Avalon: Apple Tree Island to fight the Black Knight and obtained the second sword because he was the only one able to unfasten a swordbelt which his consort Lore: Yew, Lady of Garadigan, brought to Arthur’s court. He was therefore known as the Knight of the Two Swords (a title also given to Balin) In Tain Bo Fraoich: Conall goes with Fraoich: Heather through North Saxony, over the Icthyian Foam, to the land of the Long-Bards (Lombardy) to rescue Fraoich’s kidnapped relatives. The guardian tower snake wound around Conall’s girdle (others say arm) and spent the night with him. The next day they said goodbye to the snake and left for their own country with some of the snake’s jewels. Conall killed the Thunder Hag, decapitated Anluan: Condiment and presented the head to Anluan’s brother Cé: Cream at King Mac Da Thó: Son of the Two Mute’s feast in Leinster. Hazel Hound bathes in the five streams of Conaille: Reed strewn with green leaves, healing herbs & plants. The goddess Sin: Cry gathering bog-down in his country with many cattle containing Breogan’s two wild black stallions followed his soul over the Quaking Bog, through the Burning forest, and across the Icy Sea to his castle on a black horse. Also known as Ragallach Mac Uatu: Orgasm, King of Connacht, he fathered Flann [Red Fire] and Cathach [Husk] with Sin. He was told he would die by the hand of his own child by a druid. He was killed by Mael Brigte Mac Mothlachán & the Corco Cullu. Conaire: The Destruction of Da Derga: Two Red’s Hostel Conaire violates one after another the gease (gaysh) plural: gease (gaysha) laid upon him, by Nemglan: King of the Birds, before he was installed King of Ireland. These are: going right-handwise round Tara & left-handwise round Brega, hunting the crooked beasts of Cerna, leaving Tara for 9 nights in succession, staying in a house where firelight can be seen after sunset and letting in a person, following 3 red horsemen and having them go in before him at the hostel, plundering & settling a quarrel. He violated them and died. Conall went to get water to put out a fire at Conaire’s hostel at Magh Aí: Plain of Fire. A duck appeared, he filled the golden cup with water, but the heat from his body killed his travelling companion Fer Lí: Bright Man. He retrieved Conaire’s severed head & it sang praises to him. Healing shrines: Nettleton Shrub, Wiltshire, Cambourne, Kilkenny: Reed Church. Children: Cascorach, Tuage: Rainbow, Lí Ban the mermaid Conchubar was born from the goddess Nessa: The Loch Ness Monster who ate two magical worms. He came from her womb clutching a worm in each hand to show his marvelous conception. He was enveloped in mist, met the gold-crowned goddess of Sovereignty on a crystal throne & was blessed kingship of the Craebruad na Emania: Red Branch of Ulster Ui Berraidi: 177-212 AD by the god Lugh: Raven. In his reign are the three crowns on Ireland: The crown of corn-ears, crown of flowers & crown of oak mast. In the story Barbe Bleue: Solar deity Cunomagnus brings storms, carries an ax, killed four of his wives & decapitated Trefina:Triple White One He became bishop of Gwenea: Vannes: White Place, Brittany, France & founded Dún Dealgan: Dundalk: Butterfly monastery at Ardmore, Waterford, Ireland.(58, 189) | ||
Merril, Meryl, Merilhon (Bright Sea Hawk) Tochur (Placing, Dowry) Carneddyr ap Govynyon Hên (Stone Heaper Son of Ancient Smith) Rhacymwr (From the Sea) (pron. ) (73, 75) | (pron. KAWRN-ETH-UHR, ran-kuhm-oor) Welsh god and attendant of Arthur. He enjoyed smashing barns flat. Gwastad Meirionyd: the Plain of Merioneth on the way to Llanegryn (71,73, 75, 207) But the Manx girl has only to eat a salt herring, bones and all, without drinking or uttering a word, and to retire backwards to bed. When she sleeps and dreams, she will behold her future husband approaching to give her drink – Welsh & Manx Folkcustoms | ||
Sir Samson, Samzun, Safaddan, Syfaddon (Summer) Ingcél Cáec (One Eyed) Grudlwyn Gorr (Grain of Stone [from the west?]) Gorneves (Holy) Goronwy (Man) Gobrwy ap Eccel (Merit) Degore, Goron, Gordon, Goronw, Gronw Pebyr, Pebin (Hero) O holy Samson, imitator of God’s compassion,/ thou dost pour forth streams of divine goodness./ For radiant with God’s love/ thou didst relieve the afflicted and suffering,/ and dost grant eternal healing to all who honour thee. – Our Holy Father Samson the Hospitable Troparion tone 4 | (pron. SAHM-zoon, GRUHD-LOO-UHN, gohr-NEV-ez, gohr-ON-wee, GOH-BROO-UH, GOHR-ohn, GORSH-tuhn, gohr-ON-oo, GROHN-oo) ) Samson was born blind at birth in Wales. He became Lord of Penllynn: Mouth of the River Fowey at Lancien/Lantyan-in-Golant, Cornwall called Castle Dore as documented by the French writer Béroul. He fell in love with the goddess Blodewedd: White Flower, eloped with her and became father of the goddess Goewin: Foam. One of the knights of the Round Table, he helped Eccell: One Eyed One destroy Eriu: Snow Drop, killed his parents, seven brothers, the king of Ireland, and Da Derga’s: Two Reds hostel. He lives at Dol Pebin in Arvon. Sent to the abbey of Llanwit Major in South Glamorgan for instruction by the abbot, Saint Illtud: Sun Ordained in 512. In Brittany, he founded the famous abbey of Dol and churches in Britain, Ireland & northern France. His church at Clermont, France was transformed into the Temple of Reason and known for revolutionary demonstrations His feast day is June 27th. A sacred cave and well is at Gorron. Menhir stone. He is in The White Company, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. (71, 73, 75, 171, 256) | ||
Merritt (Valuable, Deserving) Tegmong, Huw Tegái, Tygái, Tyfaelog, Tysilio (Sea House) Tethra (Old Sea) Teithi Hên ap Gwynnan (Ancient Journey) Tegid Voel, Tegid Foel ap Gwair (Clear, Fair, Beautiful) A woman came to Connla, son of Conn ‘ The immortals invite you. You are going to be one of the heroes of the people of Tethra. You will always be seen there, in the assemblies of your ancestors, in the midst of those who know and love you. ’ | Fomori sea god with green-brown hair whose dominions were swallowed up by the sea. He has a single eye in the middle of his forehead. His left hand and left leg are longer than the right. He owns the talking Sword of Tethra. After the Cath Maigh Tuireadh: Grain Harvest Plain of Frost he retired to rule his invisible country beyond the Ocean where the dead find a new existence. Tethra’s kingdom has faery women who entice men to go there and become heroes. Consort of the goddess Ceridwen: White Grain Bala Lake, or Llyn Tegid: Lake Tegid / ILyn Aerfen. in Pellyn is named after him. His sons are: Afagddu, Padarn & Alcwn. (Alcwn’s son is Sannde) Daughter is Creirwy. King of Kaerrihog. His brothers are Carneddyr: Stone Heaper & Blathmac: Flower Son (58, 71, 73, 75, 77) | ||
![]() Light of Cornwall and pillar of the Faith,/ holy Austol, disciple of Samson:/ thou wast a fellow-labourer with Saint Mewan,/ in such companionship that thou didst die with him and share his grave./ Pray to Christ our God to grant us His great mercy. l– Troparion of St Austol tone 7 | (pron. AH-stel,ô´st; DEH-ruh, DI-re or DAHR-uh, DAY, DAY-ree, DROO-ch, DRUH-OO, DROO, DRUHD-OOAS, AKAV rawn,MA-nya, MAN-ee, MOH-nyeh, TRIST-ahn, TREE-stahn) One of the Three Brown Manx Giants who dug into the earth to create wells and built palaces at Tara, Teltown, Tlaghtga & Uisneach: Water of Life. He is a surgeon, fertility god, and son of Meliodas: Honey God, king of Armorica & Queen Isabelle of Lyonesse. A solar diety known for áilgeasa with golden hair, sparkling diadem, ivory sword, magic spear that gives men strength when it is put to their forehead & red clothes who is the descendant of the Vöivre: Snake people. He is the brother and swineherd of Mark of Cornwall. He caught a water worm who was a reincarnated god. This worm was swallowed by his dad’s cow and the Brown Bull of Cuailgne was born. He identified the god Diarmuid to the goddess Grainne: Sun and is father of the goddess Dér Gréine: Tear of the Sun, Fithir: Knowledge & Darine-Druentia: Oak . When Fithir & Darine died he swore vengeance on the king of Leinster, killed him & forced the nobles to pay him a bóramha: tribute every year. His Children are the Six Sons of Dishonour who were murdered by fire. In Le Mort d’Arthur, he goes to Ireland to fetch Isoud & Bragwaine to marry King Mark but is captured by Breunor, Andred & twelve knights at midnight having sex with Isoud. He is jailed in the dungeon at Castle Pluere: The Weeping Castle. He escapes, is shot with a poison arrow, healed & kills Nabon le Noire. He is healed by the goddess as he was wounded fighting a dragon. He later accompanies Persides & Dinadan to the Castle of the Maidens. He is described as being a harpist, singer, linguist, chess-player, and expert huntsman. Isolde and Tristan are buried at Tintagel Castle, Cornwall by Mark. A vine grew from Tristan’s grave and a rose-tree from Isolde’s and the branches intertwined. sunt ôstl, Cornwall: His feast day is June 28th. He rules Cockaigne / Magh Aí: Plain of Bounty. Druie, a river in Strathspey. (71, 73, 75, 191, 245, 256) | ||
March ap Meirchion, Margh, Mark mag Merchiaun (Horse Son of Horses) Marcán, Marc Bourdais (Horse) Arviragus, Y-Veuric ap Beli Mawr, Marrek, Marrok, Maraud, Meryk, Merrick, Merrycke, Meuric, Meurig ap Tewdrig, Maurice (Horseman) Éccell, Eccel, Echel Forddwyttwll (Mouth of the Mighty-Thigh) Echbél Mac Dedad (Mouth) Ecca, Ecet, Echuir, Eochaid Salbuidhe (Horse of the Yellow) Maine Andoe (Many the Swift) Meryn, Merryn (Sea) Milyan (Honeyed One) Amgylchynir y Marchlyn Mawr gan greigian erchyll yr olwg arnynt; a dywed tradodiad d’arfod i un o feibion y Rhiwen unwaith tra yn cynorthwyo dafad oed, wedi syrthio i’r creigiau i dod odiyno, darganfod ogof anferth: aeth i fewn idi a gwelod’ ei bod yn ffawn o drysorau ac arfau gwerthfawr; ond gan ei bod yn dechreu tywyllu, a dringo i fynu yn orchwyl anhawd hyd yn nod yn ngoleu’r dyd, aeth adref y noswaith honno, a boreu drannoeth ar lasiad y dyd cychwvnnodd eilwaith i’r ogof, ac heb lawer o drafferth daeth o hyd idi: aeth i jewn, a dechreuod edrych o’i amgylch ar y trysorau oedd yno:--Ar ganol yr ogof yr oedd bwrd enfawr o aur pur, ac ar y bwrdd, goron o aur a pherlau: deallod yn y fan mai coron a thrysorau Arthur oedynt--nesaodd at y bwrd, a phan oect yn estyn ei law i gymeryd gafal yn y goron dychrynwyd ef gan drwst erchyll, trwst megys mil o daranau yn ymrwygo uwch ei ben ac aeth yr holl le can dywylled a’r afagdu. Ceisiod ymbafalu odiyno gynted ag y gallai; pan lwydod i gyrraedd i ganol y creigiau taflod ei olwg ar y llyn, yr hwn oed wedi ei gynhyfu drwydo di donnau brigwynion yn cael eu lluchio trwy dand ysgythrog y creigiau hyd y man yr oed efe yn sefyll arno; ond tra yr oedd yn parhau i syllu ar ganol y llyn gwelai gwrwgl a thair o’r benywod prydferthaf y disgynod llygad unrhyw dyn arnynt eriod yndo yn cad ei rwyfo yn brysur tuag at enau yr ogof. Ond och! yr oed golwg ofnadwy yr hwn oed yn rhwyfo yn digon i beri iasau o fraw trewy y dyn cryfaf. Gallodd y llanc rywfodd dianc adref ond ni fuiechyd yn ei gyfansoddiad ar ol hynny, a bydai hyd yn nod crybwyll enw y Marchlyn yn ei glywedigaeth yn digon I’w yrru yn wallgof. – Lloyd Jones | (pron MAHRX, MOR-kawn, MAHR-ek, MER-uhn, MIL-yahn) King of Tintagel, Cornwall who rules Dunheved Castle. His son with the goddess Labiane is Meraugis who grew to be a Knight of the Round Table. As a werewolf He killed his parents Donn: Abyss & Lóch: Water and seven brothers. He rules the men of Lochlann: Norway & is a chieftan of Connacht. He takes the form of a one-eyed giant with seven pupils that is as black as a chafer (beetle), that is doorkeeper at the High King’s palace at Teamhair. In Tristan et Iseut: Tristan & Isolde his son is King Arthur and daughter is Angharad. . He is the consort of the goddesses Cred: Soul & Branwen: White Raven and was killed by the god Kai: Cream. As Saint Cast he is called Maraud and eats buttered white bread he finds by the roadside. The bread is so toothsome it is considered a cake. The little people then bring him cider. St. Marcán of Clonenagh’s Feast day is October 21. Merrick mountain in Galloway [Gwallawg], Scotland. Kilmarth: Mark’s Retreat, near Castle Dore, Cornwall (6, 58, 73, 75, 89, 229, 256) In Dinorwig in the 1830s when the people were evicted and starved an old wornan named Sian William of the Garned took refuge in the Marchlyn Mawr: Marchlyn caves. The Marchlyn Mawr is surrounded by rocks terrible to look at, and tradition relates how one of the sons of the farmer of Rhiwen, once on a time, when helping a sheep that had fallen among the rocks to get away, discovered a tremendous cave there; he entered, and saw that it was full of treasures and arms of great value; but, as it was beginning to grow dark, and as clambering back was a difficult matter even in the light of day, he went home that evening, and next morning with the grey dawn he set out again for the cave, when he found it without much trouble. He entered, and began to look about him at the treasures that were there. In the centre of the cave stood a huge table of pure gold, and on the table lay a crown of gold and pearls. He understood at once that they were the crown and treasures of Arthur. He approached the table, and as he stretched forth his hand to take hold of the crown he was frightened by an awful noise, the noise, as it were, of a thousand thunders bursting over his head, and the whole place became as dark as Tartarus. He tried to grope and feel his way out as fast as he could. When he had succeeded in reaching to the middle of the rocks, he cast his eye on the lake, which had been stirred all through, while its white-crested waves dashed through the jagged teeth of the rocks up to the spot on which he stood. But as he continued looking at the middle of the lake he beheld a coracle containing three women, the fairest that the eye of man ever fell on. They were being quickly rowed to the mouth of the cave; but the dread aspect of him who rowed was enough to send thrills of horror through the strongest of men. The youth was able somehow to escape home, but no health remained in his constitution after that, and even the mere mention of the Marchlyn in his hearing used to be enough to make him insane. – Lloyd Jones | ||
Malo, Mallolwch (Shining) Mael, Maëc, Maeoc, Maoc (Silver) Fiad Sceme (Slanted Knowledge) Fiacha Mac Samhthiann (Endless Knowledge Divine Son of Silent One) Fiachna, Fios (Knowledge) Fiachra (Knowledgable One) Fiachadh Feradach Fechtnach (Knowledge Man of Time) Cimbaeth (The Robber) Fachtna Feachtnach (Endless Time) Fiatach, Fiacaill Mac Conchinn (Chalice of Knowlege Divine Son of Sense) Calath (Harbor) Urmi | (pron. MAH-loh, ma-HLOL-lukh, mail, FEE-ak-a, FEE-ak-na, FEE-ak-ra, FAR-a-dach, FAR-ick, FACHT-na, FE-ah-ra, fe’âc al) God of Metalworkers & Goldsmiths who takes the form of a magical salmon, rules for seven years and then his brothers take over for seven years each. His mother Dön sat astride a rock in a stream when giving birth and flattened his head. He has long, streaming, golden-yellow hair, gold-hilted sword, two five-barbed darts, a gold-rimmed shield on his back, a five-folded crimson cloak on his shoulders. He married the goddess Branwen: White Raven. When he beat Branwen, slept with other women, and exiled her to the kitchen her brothers came for revenge. The battle ended with only seven living. He was reborn as one of the Three Brown Manx Giants who take the form of the brown bull of Cuailng.[One of his avatars was swallowed by a bull and cut his way out of the stomach] One of Partholón: Shape of a Woman’s three druids. Rescued the giant Cú Chúlainn: Hazel Hound from the children of Calatin, tried to prevent the killing of the god Naoise by throwing himself across him, broke his back and was impaled by a spear. He is responsible for the war between the deities of the underworld lead by Arawn and the Children of Don known as Cath Godeau: Fruits of Trees One of the most important early Breton saints, patron of St.-Malo and disciple of Saint Samson He entered Lammeur’s Monastery in Brittany and after studying founded a monastery on the Island of Sark. Guimaëc, gwik: town of Saint-Maëc, Ploumaëc: Maoec’s parish, Lanvéoc: Maeoc’s chapel, Saint-Mayeux, Côtes d’Armor, Tréméoc: Maeoc’s town. Coëtmieux, Côtes d’Armor: Maeoc’s drink. His daughter is fidir: know, consider, Old Irish fetar, scio, fitir, novit, *viddetor, *vid-dho. fios: knowledge, Old Irish fiss, *vid-tu-, root vid, veid, know; Latin video. (6, 53, 58, 71, 80, 99, 171, 183) | ||
Melwas úa Nannid (Honey Grandson of Daisy) Meleagaunce map Bagdemagus, Meleagraunce (Honey Son of Great Solar Rays) Mellanus, Melan, Mellan, Meallan, Mewan, Méloir (Honey) Meliant de Lis (Honey of Iris) Melodias of Liones (Honey God of Raven) Morholt, Rib, Ribh (Hair) Blaez, Blaise, Bleiz, Blyth, Bleidd, Bleiddwn, Blaí Bruige (Wolf) Blathaon ap Mawrheth (Flower Divine Son of Majesty) Blathaon ap Mwrheth (Flower Divine Son of Moving Stone) Blathmac (Flower Son) Scannlán Ui Tadc, Scandlán Mac Béicce Meic Fiachra, Scannal (Bright Flower) | (pron. MEHL-OO, MEHL-WAH, BLAYS, BLAYTH, BLIITH, skon-LAWN) Giant curly-haired Fomore of Samson Island: Summer Island, Scilly Isles. It is cursed. Consort of Ob & Obliot: Herb, King of Mumu: Munster and the Cruithin: People of Wheat, He annually received in offering 300 girls and 300 young men whom he devoured. Scála: basin, bowl. In Le Conte de la Charette by Chrétien de Troyes he is lord of the place where no man returns and acesss to his realm is by two narrow bridges, one of them called li Ponz Evages: The Water Bridge, a foot and a half wide, and the other li Ponz de l’Espée: The Sword Bridge. Gawain tried to get through the water bridge but failed. Lancelot got past the sword bridge. Tristan: Oak killed him (other versions say Lancelot: Fair Foundling). In the Life of Caradoc: Soul Carrier, Melwas, King of the Summer Country, abducted the nine-fold goddess Guinevere at Glastonbury Tor, Somerset and took her to y glas glog: The Green Bower. King Arthur laid siege to it with troops from Devon and Cornwall, but the watery surroundings made it difficult. Gildas prevailed upon Melwas to return his captive. Caradoc refers to it as Yys-witrin: The Isle of Glass. Melwas became a disciple of Saint Samson of Dol, entered the Breton monastery and founded his own as Saint Mewan Merlin’s mysterious teacher, Blaise lived in Northumberland & was changed into a wolf. The curse was lifted by the god Math: Bear. [Math is a newer god superimposed]. St.Blasius is one of four holy helpers invoked to help sick cattle.He is the patron saint of sore throats and his feast is on February 3rd and 11th In his Kontaction he is compared to a fadeless flower. (6, 73, 74, 75, 69, 80, 84, 99, 171, 183. 189) |