![]() The Druids taught the existence of one god, to whom they gave a name Be al, which Celtic antiquaries tell us means the life of everything, or the source of all beings, and which seems to have affinity with the Phoenician Baal. What renders this affinity more striking is that the Druids as well as the Phoenicians identified this, their supreme deity, with the Sun. Fire was regarded as a symbol of the divinity. The Latin writers assert that the Druids also worshipped numerous inferior gods. ..A circle of stones, enclosing an area of from twenty feet to thirty yards in diameter, constituted their sacred place. These sacred circles were generally situated near some stream, or under the shadow of a grove or widespreading oak. In the centre of the circle stood the Cromlech or altar, which was a large stone, placed in the manner of a table upon other stones set up on end. The Druids had also their high places, which were large stones or piles of stones on the summits of hills. These were called Cairns, and were used in the worship of the deity under the symbol of the sun. That the Druids offered sacrifices to their deity there can be no doubt. But there is some uncertainty as to what they offered, and of the ceremonies connected with their religious services we know almost nothing. The classical (Roman) writers affirm that they offered on great occasions human sacrifices; as for success in war or for relief from dangerous diseases. Caesar has given a detailed account of the manner in which this was done. They have images of immense size, the limbs of which are framed with twisted twigs and filled with living persons. These being set on fire, those within are encompassed by the flames. Many attempts have been made by Celtic writers to shake the testimony of the Roman historians to this fact, but without success. – Bullfinchs Mythology Baal, plu. Baälim, a general name for all the Syrian gods, as Ashtaroth was for the goddesses. The general version of the legend of Baal is the same as that of Adonis, Thammuz, Osiris, and the Arabian myth of El Khouder. All allegorize the sun, six months above and six months below the equator. As a title of honour, the word Baal, Bal, Bel, etc., enters into a large number of Phœnician and Carthaginian proper names, as Hannibal, Hasdru-bal, Bel-shazzar, etc. Sleepst by the fable of Bellerus old, | (pron. BEL-ee, BEHL, BEE-el, BEHL-eh-nuhs, BEE-luh, BE-kawn or BA-kawn, BAG, BECK, BAHL-ya, BAH-lor, PEN-ahr) Solar deity of Gaule, Wales, Ireland, Syria, Italy (Aquileia, Iulium Carnicum, Concordia, Altinum, Rome, Rimini) & Noricum (Modern Austria). God of fire, protection, science, fertility, healing, hot springs [Bourbon-les-Bains], success, prosperity, purification, crops, sheep, cattle, and regeneration after death. He is the first oak tree from the heavens. The water of his sister the goddess Anu: Water from Heaven fed the oak and produced two acorns: their son, The Dagda: Good God & the goddess Brigid: Cow. The word for acorn in Spanish is belloto. The first men sprang from him. He is the father, old man with star symbols or a golden-haired man with amber eyes, five circlets of gold around his neck, a brooch of gold with a precious stone, shirt and mantle with threads of gold, gold hilted sword and two spears of white silver. Lord of the Upperworld, of the Twelve Dancing Princesses at Beloeil Castle. Consort of Belisama, constructed Ehangwen, Arthurs Hall and fights Gwynn ap Nudd: The White God for the hand of the Spring Goddess every year. He collects souls and transports them to the Otherworld. His temple has wine and threescore and ten priests. His symbols are the horse (clay horse figurine offerings at Sainte-Sabine shrine in Burgundy) and the Wheel (as illustrated on the Gundestrup Cauldron). His carved gem recovered at Nîmes. A horse and wagon, carrying a gilded sun-disc, has been found at Trundholm, Denmark. His festival Beltaine or Cetshamhain: First of Summer (pron. BYEL-teh-nuh) is on May first. He is Cymbeline in Shakespeares works. Later legends have him reborn: His father as Bregon, his brother as Ith: Hunger for Fertility, and son Míl: Honey. In the Mabinogi: Intoxicatiing Tales of Youth he is father of Arianrhod: Moon, Olwen: White Deer, Lludd: Raven, Casswallawn: Lamb, Nudd: Us & Llevelys: Cry In Greek mythology he is born on the seventh day of the new moon on the floating island of Delos surrounded by swans at the Heiron: Sanctuary of Apollo. He is father of Lamia with the goddess Libya & associated with the golden mean: moderation & a virtue that opposes gluttony. In Aquitane and the Garonne Valley he is called Abellio or Abélard: Apple and is god of apples. He and Héloïse: Sun died together and were buried in the same tomb. Two trees, one dark-skinned and the other light-skinned grew intertwined above their grave. He arranged to meet the goddess in Leinster on the shore of Dun Dealgan. When he was told by a stranger she had died he died of grief. The stranger then told Aillin that Baile: Sacred Tree was dead and she also died of grief. Baile: Sacred Tree was buried at Traigh mBaile - Bailes Strand and a yew tree grew from his grave. From Aillinns grave grew an apple tree. The poets of Ulster and Leinster cut branches from the trees and carved the tragedy in the Ogham language on the wands they made from the branches. The wands grew together at the Tech Screpta library at Tara and could not be separated. He later became Saint George, illustrated riding a single horse with thunder-bolts; using his symbolic radiating wheel as a shield, as he tramples a snake-limbed giant. Mount Lycabettus near Athens – Mount Hymettus, the ancient temples of the Acropolis, the Parthenon: Shape of a Woman & the Temple of Victory; midnight bells and easter candles are lit to make up tiny golden flames. Red eggs are cracked at midnight. St. Becan: Little Son founded a monastery in Westmeath, Ireland in the 6th C. and prophesied the death of Diarmuid: The Healer in the house of Banbán: Suckling Pig. Cill Bhéacáin: Killbecan Parish, County Kilkenny, Ireland. He found the god Conall: Reed of the Victories lying wounded and nursed him back to health. Bealcu: Bright Hounds sons planned to assasinate Conall. Conall found out and tricked them into killing Bealcu instead. Clab a Bhile burial ground in Scotland. Beacon Mountain in Wales is the stronghold of the Coblynau mine goblins. Their homes are hidden from mortal vision. Beckfield: Béul-tha-Amhlaeibh (pronounced Baylaw-Oulee), Ireland, Loch Bel Shiad, Co.Kildare, Ireland. Bellovaci Celts of Beauvaisis, France, Belendi Gironde of Belin Beçançon, France are named after him. Belgae: Belgium, Belgrade, Bellorusso, Bellunum, Belluno, Italy. Greek cities: Apollodorus, Apollonia. Temples: Grand in the Vosges, Essarois: Red Eye Lake near Châtillon-sur-Seine, Burgundy bearing an inscription to Apollo Vindonnus, votive object shrine with offerings of oak, stone with hands holding fruit or a cake, Aquae Granni / Aachen, Germany. Brigetio in France, Belen: Mont St. Michel, Normandy: Here 9 druidesses used to sell arrows to sailors to charm away storms. These arrows had to be discharged by a young man 25 years old. Bellerium: Lands End Cornwall. Beltany Ring, Donegal, Northern Ireland where a stone head is found. Obelisk: [Greek obeliskos, from diminutive of obelos] : 4-sided pillar that gradually tapers as it rises and terminates in a pyramid. belfry: bell tower. béalaíocht: oral tradition (in general), béalaithris: oral tradition, oral account, bile (bilí): any large, isolated sacred tree Names: OBoyle. Menhir stone is in Tréméoc, Brittany, France.§ Roman Form. He is Bielobog of Slavonic dualism. His counterpart is Czernobog. In Vichy, Gaule he is called Vorocius. (24, 53, 58, 64, 71, 72, 75, 76, 77, 82, 98, 102, 133, 171, 176, 210) |