Splendours of every colour glisten Throughout the gentle-voiced plains. Joy is known, ranked around music, In southern Mag Argatné Unknown is wailing or treachery Then if Aircthech is seen, | (pron. MOY ahr-GAHNT-NEHL) Trees with blossomed branches that grow in the Land of the Silver Fleece never wither. The deer have golden horns. It is a quiet land. Oirbsiú: Auberon: Golden One rules there with his feet clad in white bronze. St Eugenius: Gold uncle of Kevin. Oirbsiú is another name for Mannanán MacLir.[Worlds List] (133) This is what Mananaun had brought from his own country, Silver-Cloud Plain: a branch of bright-red rowan berries. Whoever ate one of these rowan berries his hunger and his weariness left him in a moment. The berries were to be eaten by the players, Mananaun said, and not one of them was to be taken into the world of the mortals or the world of the Fairies – The Story of the Fairy Rowan Tree